Dragon sword, chaos axe, ...hammer?
Sword weilders have the dragon sword. Axe weilders have the chaos axe. Is there a cool shiny/glowy sweet-looking hammer to compare?
Good question. Well there IS the ram's hammer... Looks like you're clobbering people with the head of an animal.
What about the Mursaat hammer. Those things are cool.
yea they realy need to put some more hammers in there, its even one of the main reason i left my hammer for swords...
Hell Marauder
Anyone ever saw a ball hammer that's purple or gold? It's strange that I've never seen a rare ball hammer. There're plenty of rare forehammers, runic hammmers, ram hammers, even Mursaat and twin hammers but never ball hammers.

Gauwyn Vorec
I've gotten a blue and purple ball hammer before. I think it's all about the luck of the draw.
Hell Marauder
There are actually many hammer types, just none of them is shiny. Righteous maul looks very cool, too, with crystals on them. Actually shiny weapons like chaos axe look childish, like a fluorescent stick you see in public concert. As for a ball hammer, I know there're blue ones because weaponsmiths can make them, but purple/gold, are you sure? Never seen it in drops or anyone selling one. Maybe I should look harder for it .....
i get an alright hammer at least every 2 days, but actual gr8 hammers are stupidly rare.