I think GW is a very very very good game, but like everyone else, I wouldn't mind some changed.
1. Henchmen commands
I really despise not having these.. there are times in critical points in missions or traveling when the henchman (more than likely Aleisia, the healer) will CHARGE the BIGGEST pack of enemies possible while you're trying to avoid aggro, get you killed, then the Healer ressurects you in the MIDDLE of the whole pack!
Also, it could fix the Spawn Camp issues with the henchmen.. and it could very well make things MUCH easier.. and even will bring htme up in PvP!
2. Guild VS Guild changes
I love the PvP, but some things could be changed.
There has been talk about the Cape changes, and I agree with them. But, I think that more can be done.
Have it where when the leader is struck down, a moral penalty is added to the entire party; and the other party shall receive a moral boost. Make the leader have a defense boost, and noticible.
Give the leader certain commands, such as - "Attack the preist now!" "Fall back and regroup!" "Attack the called healer!" "Get tight and cast AOE spells!"
Thoes may be radical.. and be taken care of with Team Speak, but hey.. it's a suggestion.
Differnt PvP types!
1. Last man alive.
This one is simple, no ressurection. The last man alive, the team wins.
2. Capture the Flag
Who hates this game? Simple, each team has a flag, and the opposing team must grab the other team's flag and return it to their flag to "cap" it.
That's all I have for now.. let the bashing begin..
Some suggestions..
Pleistoanax Lambert
Like the suggestions for the most part. Henchmen have really become annoying lately, and we need more PvP options to keep it interesting
Pleistoanax Lambert
yeah, commands like..
behavior (Aggressive, passive)
Some counter-strike commands.. Attackcertain creatures or enemies, assign healers, etc.
And maybe even waypoint commands?
behavior (Aggressive, passive)
Some counter-strike commands.. Attackcertain creatures or enemies, assign healers, etc.
And maybe even waypoint commands?