the following things will return useless results on the forums
pig mission
pet lists
npc locations
monstrous eye
Toe of Gargamel
as you may have already guessed I'm getting to the point that you can't search 3 letter words. I find this an annoyance in most forums that have this limitation since 3 letter words comprise a great portion of the english language. If they want to disclude commonly used words like the, or, but, if, a, an, etc. then they could but to not search at all for 3 letter words?
I found a thread asking about pet types and the response was "use search, so many threads already" so I searched myself and found a million threads about "types".
my beef with searching
I have added those words to the search index, and will try to re-create the search database late at night.
And done. Took roughly 90 minutes to update through all 120,000 posts.
Originally Posted by Inde
And done. Took roughly 90 minutes to update through all 120,000 posts.
Jeebus. I was going through withdrawals, is this why the site was closed?
Im ok, I just had to breathe...
Im ok, I just had to breathe...
I too think the search function is severely gimped. I CANNOT find out where to get a collector axe with +15% damage while over 50% HP (may not even exist) and trying to search for it doesn't work. If I type
"damage +15%" axe
The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : axe
Then, when I try Quote: "damage +15%" collector , I get
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
You telling me that there are NO threads than contain "collector" and "damage +15%"? I call bullshit on that. If I type Quote: