Mesmer Armor
Where can I get a list of what classes of armor mesmers can use? All I know so far is dilettante's, stylish, rogue's, courtly, and performer's.
I'm watching this thread too, so if anyone has an answer or a link to such a list, there are at least a couple of us out here who'd appreciate it.

Gauwyn Vorec
No need to bump threads... if someone knows they'll let you in on the information. Give them at least an hour before you start bumping.
As much as I hate to refer off-site locations:
As much as I hate to refer off-site locations:
I guess I wasn't clear. I wasn't asking what parts of armor can mesmers wear, like hose, boots, masks, attires, and gloves. I meant what classes of armor, like dilletante's, stylish, rogue's, courtly, and performer's. I was wondering what came after Performer's mesmer armor.
Gauwyn Vorec
Originally Posted by Lucon
I guess I wasn't clear. I wasn't asking what parts of armor can mesmers wear, like hose, boots, masks, attires, and gloves. I meant what classes of armor, like dilletante's, stylish, rogue's, courtly, and performer's. I was wondering what came after Performer's mesmer armor.
Maybe GuildWarsGuru will get cracking on the Armor section on this site... right now all they have is Warrior armor listed.
Gauwyn Vorec
Sorry to double post like this... but here is a great link with pictures. Not sure if it's all accurate, but it helps with seeing the items:
Just noticed a few of the things are wrong, like Wyvern Armor... but should help you a bit.
Just noticed a few of the things are wrong, like Wyvern Armor... but should help you a bit.
Sir Maddox
I doubt it's anything of true significance, however, in the Mask section of , Animal and Costume are switched (Both in picture and statistics.)
I don't know about you all, but whenever I think of Mesmer armor, I think of the female nightgown that is somehow being passed off as armor. I guess it's used for distracting the enemy, and very obvious a female DEV NEEDS to be finalizing ALL female clothing. Heh.
Sexy neglige comboed with the high heeled boots 4tw
Sexy neglige comboed with the high heeled boots 4tw

Originally Posted by Jana
I don't know about you all, but whenever I think of Mesmer armor, I think of the female nightgown that is somehow being passed off as armor. I guess it's used for distracting the enemy...
I think those five armor types mentioned (Dilettante's, Stylish, Rogue's, Courtly, and Performer's) are all that is available for the Mes...the AR and bonuses just increase on the better armors.
I haven't seen the 15k sets yet but I suspect that they keep the same pattern as all the previous ones up to the 1.5k sets.
Umm, there is still the regal set and virtuoso....unless they took 'em out.
Enchanter set still looks most benificial to me though.
Enchanter set still looks most benificial to me though.
Ok thanks all for posting links to the sites that show the various Mesmer armors. As a true noob, L11 and still trying to assimilate the tons of data driving this game, I'm still unclear about a number of things, but some of it is coming together now in my head. I have in storage over 100+ of most of the common crafting materials and a few dozen of some of the uncommons, and a scattering of the rest. These charts help me to decide which materials I can keep and which I can sell, but I still don't know one thing: where do I find these exotic armor sets? Everwhere I've looked I've only seen the Stylish. Where, for example, do I find the Enchanted, Courtly, and other varieties like that? Is that something I'll see in the cities I'll be visiting soon?
My wife and I have been playing slowly, trying to do as many missions as we can to gain experience and game knowledge, and haven't been rushing to level or burst through the cities. I think we're on the Nolani Academy mission now, and have just discovered the Grendich Courthouse outpost, so we haven't yet made it to Yak's Bend or Lion's Arch. I suspect this is where we're going to find more armor sets, but any additional help or info would be appreciated. Thanks!
Oh, one other thing. What should I do with all these crafting materials? Shall I convert my plant fibers into bolts of linen and such, or just wait till I hit a town that has some of the armor sets I need?
My wife and I have been playing slowly, trying to do as many missions as we can to gain experience and game knowledge, and haven't been rushing to level or burst through the cities. I think we're on the Nolani Academy mission now, and have just discovered the Grendich Courthouse outpost, so we haven't yet made it to Yak's Bend or Lion's Arch. I suspect this is where we're going to find more armor sets, but any additional help or info would be appreciated. Thanks!
Oh, one other thing. What should I do with all these crafting materials? Shall I convert my plant fibers into bolts of linen and such, or just wait till I hit a town that has some of the armor sets I need?
I'm not sure how you only saw stylish because In ascalon city there is a rogue set too. Nonetheless, the courtly set is added in yaks bend, which you get to after the nolani mission. The other sets are ways away still.

Ah yes, my bad, I saw both Stylish and Rogues in Ascalon City. I was wondering about the others and you've answered that question. I'm closing in on Yak's Bend now so I guess I'll wait before upgrading my armor.
The Virago
Quick questions/tanget -- I'm currently in Rogue's and just made it to Yak's Bend. Is it worth it to upgrade to Courtly now, or hold out for better later on?
Originally Posted by The Virago
Quick questions/tanget -- I'm currently in Rogue's and just made it to Yak's Bend. Is it worth it to upgrade to Courtly now, or hold out for better later on?
The Virago
That's what I figured. The upgrade in Yak's just isn't enough to warrant the expense.

Although I haven't gotten any further than Yak's Bend (I just finished the Frost Gate mission), in terms of armor, I definitely would recommend sticking with the 60 AL Rogue Set from Ascalon City, as it's the best you'll find both there and Yak's Bend.
Originally Posted by Jana
I don't know about you all, but whenever I think of Mesmer armor, I think of the female nightgown that is somehow being passed off as armor. I guess it's used for distracting the enemy, and very obvious a female DEV NEEDS to be finalizing ALL female clothing. Heh.
Sexy neglige comboed with the high heeled boots 4tw ![]() Jana |

Originally Posted by elenna
What is this armor and where do I get it? I saw a lvl 20 mesmer wearing something like this. I want it for my mesmer!
![]() |
guide (and pictures) of male mesmer armor
that site keeps saying AL in the stats of armor.. what does that stand for?
that site keeps saying AL in the stats of armor.. what does that stand for?
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by doubleyou_see
that site keeps saying AL in the stats of armor.. what does that stand for? |

Digital Limit
Weak. I'd really like to be able to wear the armor the henchman wear. It's so styling.