Mesmer/Necro Interupter build



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

D/FW, Texas

Dark Radiance


How does this build look? Basically an interupt spammer with rend enchantments thrown in extra because I couldn't think of much else that would benefit more for not many attribute points.

10 Domination
9+1 Illusion
9+1 Inspiration
7+2 Fast casting
5 Curses

Power Leak
Power Spike
Power Drain
Arcane Conundrum
Rend Enchantments
Ether Feast
Energy Tap
Mantra of Recovery{E}


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Cant go wrong with the powers, but if your using necro as your secondary you might want to consider taking the road less travelled, anti warrior/melee. Combo curses, fast casting and illusion and have yourself a ball. I prefer taking down casters to warriors, its more amusing, but in reality i run into far more melee characters that cause far more problems. Weakness inducing from curses and adrenaline denial from illsion, as well as some movement speed hexes could make you a valuable memeber of any team in tombs, where every other person is wa/mo.