Help for New Guild!
I recently created a guild, and I was wondering how all you "veteran" guild leaders started off recruiting people (other than those you know from real life ). Right now, my guild has barely any people in it and there don't seem to be many that are looking to join anyone's guild. Is there some secret that I am missing?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
As most Guild Leaders said, you want to start recruiting player who you played for while. See if they like you or not. And recruit them. Try to avoid recruiting people in cities. Try to keep a low min. of 16 Super Active Players, So you can have 24 for a guild.
Call me a bit too hardcore, but i recruit from pvp. also i try to meet my members in real life.. (the good ones anyhow)
Well in addition to those I have personally played missions with for a while, I usually keep my guild to people I know. It has had it's issues, as other people are wholly unpredictable in their behavior, but I find far less stress going this route.
Now, what to do if you have no real life buddies in the game? Your best bet, in my opinion, is to attempt to join an already well established guild, stipulating that you are only doing so to learn the ropes of guild management and how to be more effective in recruiting, etc. Then when you have made enough progress, leave the guild and start up your own.
This worked for me.
I suppose everyone has different recruitment methods, but in the end, using an internet site, or forums, WILL help. Inevitably, someone WILL come along and see all your hard work and wish to join. You just have to be careful.
Now, what to do if you have no real life buddies in the game? Your best bet, in my opinion, is to attempt to join an already well established guild, stipulating that you are only doing so to learn the ropes of guild management and how to be more effective in recruiting, etc. Then when you have made enough progress, leave the guild and start up your own.
This worked for me.
I suppose everyone has different recruitment methods, but in the end, using an internet site, or forums, WILL help. Inevitably, someone WILL come along and see all your hard work and wish to join. You just have to be careful.
Thank you for the advice
Chance Folly
I agree... don't recruit in Cities. Sure, you may get a good member or two that way, but you can also pick up some of the shoddiest players that way. What I recommend is doing missions, and scouting for members that way. If you meet someone you like and think you can work with, ask them if they want to join. Most of the Crazy Crew's (my guild, you lazy punks) best members were recruited that way.
In no specific order;
>Never spam, that'll instantly put you in the category of a noob random recruiting clan.
>Use GWG, I've gotten a few people by just making a good post in the guild database. Make it good though, as there's A LOT of total BS there.
>Pick and choose, go for quality over quantity.
>Test them - actually play with potential recruits as SOT wisely suggested.
>The language - full sentences, respectful, intelligent. Use this form while talknig to potential recruits.
>Ambition, you need to have it otherwise your guild will fail. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
>Persistence, without it you will again fail. In the world of MMO's a 25% recovery rate of already recruited people that are truely good is normal. This means that 1 of 4 (recruit) out of the 20 people that you attemped to recruit.
>Luck - it's always good to have
>Personality type, in relation to you. If you're not social then there's a problem with you being in the recruitment position.
>Your guild scope, give them something to join - not just "another clan." This one is hard if you don't have the right combo. Think about it, then adapt to the correct answer.
That's all I can think of for now,
Good luck to you and your guild!
>Never spam, that'll instantly put you in the category of a noob random recruiting clan.
>Use GWG, I've gotten a few people by just making a good post in the guild database. Make it good though, as there's A LOT of total BS there.
>Pick and choose, go for quality over quantity.
>Test them - actually play with potential recruits as SOT wisely suggested.
>The language - full sentences, respectful, intelligent. Use this form while talknig to potential recruits.
>Ambition, you need to have it otherwise your guild will fail. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
>Persistence, without it you will again fail. In the world of MMO's a 25% recovery rate of already recruited people that are truely good is normal. This means that 1 of 4 (recruit) out of the 20 people that you attemped to recruit.
>Luck - it's always good to have
>Personality type, in relation to you. If you're not social then there's a problem with you being in the recruitment position.
>Your guild scope, give them something to join - not just "another clan." This one is hard if you don't have the right combo. Think about it, then adapt to the correct answer.
That's all I can think of for now,
Good luck to you and your guild!
Adrian Ashcroft
I feel your pain, as I am in the same position. I tried to help out a few people in Ascalon City, with the easy quests a lvl 11 doesn't have problems with...
Unfortunately, all the people with good playing ettiquite just shrugged me off when I sent an invite... It's really annoying, because I put some good time into recruiting
Oh well, guess I'll just keep trying ...
Unfortunately, all the people with good playing ettiquite just shrugged me off when I sent an invite... It's really annoying, because I put some good time into recruiting
Oh well, guess I'll just keep trying ...
The Wolf
Adrian: They may have just not known what you wanted them to do. I get randomly invited a lot (probably because I play a monk) and I always reject it. Try sending them a pm to ask them if they want to join you for a quest.
I recently created my guild and have yet to recruit a single person. I've just been playing with random people to go through the missions. I would invite people, but it seems like everyone has a guild already.
I recently created my guild and have yet to recruit a single person. I've just been playing with random people to go through the missions. I would invite people, but it seems like everyone has a guild already.
I started my guild a couple days ago. Currently I have a convert from my old guild who I played with some, nice guy, appreciative of the help...
Besides him I've invited 2 ppl, and 1 because he looked cool . 1 said he is genna give his guild another shot at trying to become serious or something... and the other said he'll PM me when he wants a guild...
(now that you've heard my story that has nothing to do with my advice (well barely), I'll post my 2 cents.)
So, like so many others, I say you play with them a bit at least, my previous (first) guild I was in had 2-3 cool ppl out of the entire 50+ members... they had just gone to a town and spammed now recruiting messages...
my point - spam recruiting is stupid, and any guild that does it isn't worth your time (for the most part), they're much better guilds out there most likely... (message: don't spam recruit)[/ramble]
(don't spam recruit)
Besides him I've invited 2 ppl, and 1 because he looked cool . 1 said he is genna give his guild another shot at trying to become serious or something... and the other said he'll PM me when he wants a guild...
(now that you've heard my story that has nothing to do with my advice (well barely), I'll post my 2 cents.)
So, like so many others, I say you play with them a bit at least, my previous (first) guild I was in had 2-3 cool ppl out of the entire 50+ members... they had just gone to a town and spammed now recruiting messages...
my point - spam recruiting is stupid, and any guild that does it isn't worth your time (for the most part), they're much better guilds out there most likely... (message: don't spam recruit)[/ramble]
(don't spam recruit)
Don't wait for the people to come to you, hunt them down. You can't be a level 11 stuck in Picken Sqaure wondering why your guild isn't going anywhere. Just focus on playing the game untill you have a stable base, then go out and build up your guild.