Which one of these elite skills would you use?
Crom the Conqueror
I got these few elite skills, I am wondering which one of these skills would you use if you have them.
-Hundred Blades:
Swing twice at target foe and all foes adjacent to your target.
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 0 seconds
Cool Down Time: 8 seconds
Skill Type: Sword Attack
Effect(s): Swing 2 times
-Bull's Charge:
For 5 seconds, you move 25% faster than normal and if you strike a fleeing foe in melee, that foe is knocked down. Bull's Charge ends if you use a skill.
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 0 seconds
Cool Down Time: 20 seconds
Skill Type: Stance
Effect(s): Move Faster foe is Knocked Down if fleeing
-Healing Hand:
For 10 seconds, Whenever target ally is struck by an attack, that ally is healed for X points.
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1/4 seconds
Cool Down Time: 25 seconds
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Effect(s): Healing
Add another elite skill i just got
-Skull Crack:
If this attack hits while target foe is casting a spell, that foe is Dazed for 15 seconds.
Energy Cost: 10 Adrenaline
Casting Time: 0 seconds
Cool Down Time: 0 seconds
Skill Type: Melee Attack
Effect(s): Dazed
-Hundred Blades:
Swing twice at target foe and all foes adjacent to your target.
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 0 seconds
Cool Down Time: 8 seconds
Skill Type: Sword Attack
Effect(s): Swing 2 times
-Bull's Charge:
For 5 seconds, you move 25% faster than normal and if you strike a fleeing foe in melee, that foe is knocked down. Bull's Charge ends if you use a skill.
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 0 seconds
Cool Down Time: 20 seconds
Skill Type: Stance
Effect(s): Move Faster foe is Knocked Down if fleeing
-Healing Hand:
For 10 seconds, Whenever target ally is struck by an attack, that ally is healed for X points.
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1/4 seconds
Cool Down Time: 25 seconds
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Effect(s): Healing
Add another elite skill i just got
-Skull Crack:
If this attack hits while target foe is casting a spell, that foe is Dazed for 15 seconds.
Energy Cost: 10 Adrenaline
Casting Time: 0 seconds
Cool Down Time: 0 seconds
Skill Type: Melee Attack
Effect(s): Dazed
Healing hand definitely. But then I again, I am a monk

Vermilion Okeanos
As a warrior... I probably get bull's charge... 2nd would be skull crack... 3rd would be hundred blade... and you know the fourth
As warrior, I want to deal as much damage as possible... and disrupt the opponent. Hundred blade really aren't that nice unless combo with something together... you can't kill anything if they keep healing.
but if it is pve... it would be another way around from 1st -> 4th.
As warrior, I want to deal as much damage as possible... and disrupt the opponent. Hundred blade really aren't that nice unless combo with something together... you can't kill anything if they keep healing.
but if it is pve... it would be another way around from 1st -> 4th.
john little
I reckon healing hands is overated, i'm pretty sure they've changed it since beta, did it really use to have a recharge time of 25? at the moment IMO vigorous spirit > HH. To be honest, very few of the elite spells really make me want to go out and get them (for ele and monk anyway) and at the moment my skill bar has exactly 0 elite spells, out of choice.
Crom the Conqueror
Healing Hand is still pretty darn good, the recharge time is still short, short enough for me to handle a horde of flash golem with healing breeze while I wait for it to recharge.
Bull's Charge is a favorite of mine, with a solid 10 second length and 20 second cooldown means only 10 second down-time.
I play a primary warrior, but time after time healing hands has saved my life during farming runs where I normally fight 3-7 White Mantles Justicars.
As far as Bulls Charge goes...How many times do you see a monster run from a fight once it's been initatied? (eg. you've bashed his head with your hammer) I just have not seen it happen that often in PvE to worthy of being in my skill bar.
I thought 100 blades was all that jazz, but when I got it I noticed yes you are attacking multiple targets, but its for lower damage. If you were to hit a single target for say 40 dmg, with 100 blades you'd be doing 20 to one monster and 20 to another ajacent monster, of even possibly 10 each to 3 monsters. It does not increase your damage, and as a warrior that's what you really want. Sure you can hit more monsters, but by the time you finish off a monster, the ones u hit with 100 blades have probably healed back up.
As far as Bulls Charge goes...How many times do you see a monster run from a fight once it's been initatied? (eg. you've bashed his head with your hammer) I just have not seen it happen that often in PvE to worthy of being in my skill bar.
I thought 100 blades was all that jazz, but when I got it I noticed yes you are attacking multiple targets, but its for lower damage. If you were to hit a single target for say 40 dmg, with 100 blades you'd be doing 20 to one monster and 20 to another ajacent monster, of even possibly 10 each to 3 monsters. It does not increase your damage, and as a warrior that's what you really want. Sure you can hit more monsters, but by the time you finish off a monster, the ones u hit with 100 blades have probably healed back up.
Your wrong Antilles, 100 blades does 2 full hits to every single person adjacent to the target you hit and your target. You probably just hit something with high armour or haven't tested it enough. I've hit rangers even for 80 damage in one 100 blades attack. That thing is a beast.
What's your swordsmanship at?
Great Gjl
If you're going to PvP with that character then Bull's Strike is clearly the best option.
If you ask me, Savage Slash is better than Skull Crack since you'll have to spend a long time charging up Skull Crack, and you won't always have that much time (to interrupt a resser for example). Against a decent team, the dazing effect will just be removed anyway.
Healing hands is only good for farming items in PvE, and Hundred Blades has limited use in PvP since they made it elite.
If you ask me, Savage Slash is better than Skull Crack since you'll have to spend a long time charging up Skull Crack, and you won't always have that much time (to interrupt a resser for example). Against a decent team, the dazing effect will just be removed anyway.
Healing hands is only good for farming items in PvE, and Hundred Blades has limited use in PvP since they made it elite.
Originally Posted by Antilles
What's your swordsmanship at?
I wouldn't take Hundred Blades into water, let alone battle.
Jia Xu
Well, I use a smiting warrior as my main PvE character, and for either PvP or PvE I would always take Cleave or Eviscerate as my Elite (yes, I love the axes). Cleave requires only 4 adrenaline, so you can build it up damned quickly (i can cast it as often as a monk casts Word Of Healing, in a proper PvP fight). Eviscerate is just a far far better version of dismember, although it takes a while to get a hold of. And in reply to finding good elite skills for Elementalists or Monks? Word Of Healing is ridiculously good for any healing monk, and is a practical requirement for them, Shield of Regeneration is an awesome Protection monk spell, Ether Renewal is a really good elementalist skill, and Mark of Protection is a great protection monk skill if you use it right as well. Elites are elite skills - there are very few that aren't superior to the equivalent non-elite skills.