Moon Requiem
How much does it affect combat damage?
Weakness is -15% armour last time I checked.
Moon Requiem
Weakness does not affect target's armor, but target's combat damage (melee and ranged)... but try again
*has clowdy memory* ...woops...
The question still remains unanswered, does anyone know the decrease in combat damage? I recall from this past BWE when I cast it on a Stone Elemental that was beating on me his damage went from aprox. 15 to around 3.
- Iczer
- Iczer
50% reduction.
Bumped 7-12-05. So is weakness 50% or is it more? I haven't found any other posts that gives the exact amount weakness reduces damage by.
I can't remember exactly where but I'm 99% sure that weakness reduces the damage dealt in melee by 66%. Therefore a person that used to do 10 damage would now do 3 damage insted. It's a very powerful counter-condition against warriors.
Neutral Tyrant
What if you use it on other classes?
It only affects melee damage, so it will kill the attack power of your targets but not effect the magic powers.
ie. anyone with an axe that plans on swinging it will not like weakness.
ie. anyone with an axe that plans on swinging it will not like weakness.