prayer emote and function
in another thread over at gwonline somebody said as a joke that praying to grenth tends to help the drop rates...
Why shouldn't it? I think there should be a /pray emote that makes somebody kneel down and press their face on the ground, and when done before a statue of one of the gods this could have an effect on the person praying...
I've only just begun with the game so I'm not yet familiar with all of the gods and such, and I know that there isn't an alignment setting, but surely something cool could be done with this to enhance the rp value.
Why shouldn't it? I think there should be a /pray emote that makes somebody kneel down and press their face on the ground, and when done before a statue of one of the gods this could have an effect on the person praying...
I've only just begun with the game so I'm not yet familiar with all of the gods and such, and I know that there isn't an alignment setting, but surely something cool could be done with this to enhance the rp value.
Only if there is a /mock command too. Or /laugh infront of a statue, and the god smites you. That'd be funny.
thats true, if there is a /pray then there should be a /mock,
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
well you can already kneel before a God as long as you have favor and get some bonuses.
i dunno about you but kneeling is usually a form of humbling yourself before someone
i dunno about you but kneeling is usually a form of humbling yourself before someone
besides, actually praying to Grenth would probably require sacrificing a moabird

Doing something making the gods a larger part of gameplay would be excellent, and it WOULD enhance the rp value a ton...
That being said, I am off to prostrate myself before Grenth, the god of items
That being said, I am off to prostrate myself before Grenth, the god of items

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
I thought Grenth was the zombie god?
Teufel Eldritch
Power, ambition, cold/ice, death & necros iirc
In the field, you can /kneel in front of an intact statue and usually it calls forth a spirit. Talk to the spirit and you can get a morale boost and blessing(dwayna is the only one I've tried) if you pay gold. In the Temple of Ages you do the same thing and it gets you access to another area(underworld/fissure) for a 1000g price.
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
Teufel, not in game i ment the drawn on persona
The gods are becoming an (soon to be, hopefully?) integral part of the game. So far, a lot of the elite skills have been kind of let downs, as well. So I might lump my suggestion in here as well. Why not have an elite (or perhaps take the appropriate existing elite) and give it a kind of "god animation."
I know that it would look a lot cooler of instead of some fire and whatever for some of the Elementalist elites, it would be cooler to have a god/goddess come out of the sky and perform some kind of cool attack. Anyways, it might sound lame on paper, but I played the beta for Fung Wan Online, a MMORPG based on the chinese Storm Riders manga/movie and they had cool attacks. Like saber users could have giant ethereal dragons appear when they attack, and bow users could shoot like a thousand arrows and summon phoenixes and stuff. A lot more impressive than some of the skills in Guild Wars.
I know that it would look a lot cooler of instead of some fire and whatever for some of the Elementalist elites, it would be cooler to have a god/goddess come out of the sky and perform some kind of cool attack. Anyways, it might sound lame on paper, but I played the beta for Fung Wan Online, a MMORPG based on the chinese Storm Riders manga/movie and they had cool attacks. Like saber users could have giant ethereal dragons appear when they attack, and bow users could shoot like a thousand arrows and summon phoenixes and stuff. A lot more impressive than some of the skills in Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by A11Eur0
In the field, you can /kneel in front of an intact statue and usually it calls forth a spirit. Talk to the spirit and you can get a morale boost and blessing(dwayna is the only one I've tried) if you pay gold. In the Temple of Ages you do the same thing and it gets you access to another area(underworld/fissure) for a 1000g price.
The one in Regent Valley of Melandru seems broken, have the favor of the gods or not it doesn't change, the leaves don't grow on it when we have favor and it doesn't do anything when I kneel at it. Which every other statue I found in the wilderness has o.O;
That would be so awesome, and tell me, why does Grenth's statue give out Dwayna's Blessing? o_O;
That would be so awesome, and tell me, why does Grenth's statue give out Dwayna's Blessing? o_O;
it would be cooler to have a god/goddess come out of the sky and perform some kind of cool attack |
There was a statue of Grenth... um... don't remember the location, it was near where I had to talk to some ladies dead husband (one of the refugees who fought back the charr), but it was a fountain and I saw it once with water coming down out of it. I went back and there was no water, I thought this a bug but was it because of the favor of the gods that there was no water?
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
your sever must control the favor of the gods to be active.
so that shrine to Grenth in the ascalon foothills your talking about will only have its eyes glowing and giving off cold mists when your server has the Favor.
as for the one in regent valley melandrus will have sparkels around the base and water flowing. if not there is no favor. or it is one of the 'corrupted' shrines. best example the shrine to lysta that has the thorns all over it will not activate with favor.
so that shrine to Grenth in the ascalon foothills your talking about will only have its eyes glowing and giving off cold mists when your server has the Favor.
as for the one in regent valley melandrus will have sparkels around the base and water flowing. if not there is no favor. or it is one of the 'corrupted' shrines. best example the shrine to lysta that has the thorns all over it will not activate with favor.
No, it wouldn't. That would reduce the gods to minions of the players. And it is we who are their minions. We may not command them. Now, if the skill was a blessing of the gods of some type, it should be accompanied by a "divine aura" about your character. |
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
yeah but think of the ingame lore. You have to go thru how many trials just to get the gods to notice you. should a simple skill beable to do that same? The lore of the game has the gods having little if any influence in the world of Tyria anymore. Having beings calling down the gods at will would go right against the established lore of the Gods pretty much having left this world.
It could just be an avatar or something. Besides, Elite skills aren't exactly normal skills. I made this suggestion in light of the fact that many of the elites are lacking, as many people have pointed out. You do make valid points. I'm at the Ascension area, so I may be missing something but it seems the gods have impacted the characters in the game quite a bit. Or at least they are still remembered.