Get rid of damage during cut scenes!
Now this is just plain stupid. Why is it that players continue to take damage during cut scenes? Because two people just *had* to watch a cut scene, even though they could still see us being pummeled in the background, my group had two deaths. I had to suffer a death on my low death count character because of something I simply could not control (13 deaths now with 2/3 of ascention missions done).
If damage is going to be allowed to be done during cut scenes, stop forcing people to watch a cut scene if they want to skip it, just because someone in the group doesn't want to. Or give us the ability to swear at our teammates during cut scenes if they won't skip.
If damage is going to be allowed to be done during cut scenes, stop forcing people to watch a cut scene if they want to skip it, just because someone in the group doesn't want to. Or give us the ability to swear at our teammates during cut scenes if they won't skip.
Agreed... I think that nobody should be forced to skip a cutscene if they haven't already seen it and I think that nobody should be forced to watch it if they opt to skip.
1-people who press skip automatically go back to game mode while the others continue the cutscene
2-people who watch the cutscene and are attacked take no damage and return 2x damage to the attacker, also gaining no xp (perhaps this could be an auto-enchantment for cutscenes only)
1-people who press skip automatically go back to game mode while the others continue the cutscene
2-people who watch the cutscene and are attacked take no damage and return 2x damage to the attacker, also gaining no xp (perhaps this could be an auto-enchantment for cutscenes only)
Um, guys? That isn't supposed to happen. If it does, you are getting whacked by a bug.
Originally Posted by BlaineTog
Um, huys? That isn't supposed to happen. If it does, you are getting whacked by a bug.
It's funny to watch people get beat up during cutscenes. Something I noticed is in Elona's reach the cutscene takes away from the time limit ;/
Originally Posted by Xellos
Which happens about 50% of the time.
I had one team on Elona lose 2 people during the cutscene, and a third be almost dead.
Since most of the time you won't be getting attacked during a cutscene, I don't have a big issue with this. But the timers starting at the beginning of the scene. That bothers me.
Since most of the time you won't be getting attacked during a cutscene, I don't have a big issue with this. But the timers starting at the beginning of the scene. That bothers me.
Phantom Force
Taking damage and dying during a cut scene has happened and is not a bug. In the later missions there are a few areas where this can commonly happen especially during Infusion runs because people would rather run instead of clear the path which is easy (especially since I've done it with henchmen and RL players). Yes it does stink that if someone doesn't skip the cutscene everyone must watch it. I have a feeling devs will fix this and make it so everything freezes during a cut scene or people who skip it don't have to watch it and can engage mobs fighting. Another thing I hope they do is to allow chatting during cut scenes, especially if you don't like mics or don't want to use them. Keep posts positive and Devs will listen and find out. It just may take awhile to fix these problems. More than likely you'll see cut scenes more than once, so if you absolutely have to skip a scene cause you're getting attacked better to skip and keep party alive than die halfway through a mission like one party I had did.
Originally Posted by Phantom Force
Taking damage and dying during a cut scene has happened and is not a bug.
I'm sorry, but that's an insult to everyone over at ANet.
on a very similar note: sometimes you get ganked just as you are trying to talk to someone to finish a quest. sometimes it doesn't let you talk to him right away (don't know why) and by the time your click on him registers, you have died from being ganked
other times, you have to scramble to empty an inventory slot or two, and during that time you get ganked
i suggest that if you are in front of any key NPCs (quest or mission), all monsters stop attacking immediately
other times, you have to scramble to empty an inventory slot or two, and during that time you get ganked
i suggest that if you are in front of any key NPCs (quest or mission), all monsters stop attacking immediately
When I was doing Elona, someone didn't skip the cutscene, and we found someone dead once it was over, and us being aggroed by minotaurs.
During another mission, it was funny to watch a random villager NPC get beat up though. lol.
During another mission, it was funny to watch a random villager NPC get beat up though. lol.
Yesterday I failed the Iron Mines mission 4 times with 4 different groups - why? Because 7 out of 8 of us went to skip the cutscene while we were being attacks - the 8th player didn't. The cutscene ends and the entire group is already dead. Not fun.
And why have the cutscene cut into the time limit on ELona Reach? It's bad enough its a long cutscnene with a creepy hero voice, but now they make u suffer for 2 mins while you could be getting those crystals
Good thing there's a way to get around the timer.

Originally Posted by BlaineTog
You're telling me that this was an intentional design decision?
I'm sorry, but that's an insult to everyone over at ANet. |
You only get beaten on and died when you are in agro range. So those of you who don't kill the Minotaurs will be killed by them in the cutscene because you are in agro range sitting at the ghost. In an infusion run when you run it all and don't skip you will have wondering mobs get into agro range and attack.
I'm not saying that it doesn't suck when it happens, but it makes perfect sense why it happens, just hope that everyone skips the scene.
I'm not saying that it doesn't suck when it happens, but it makes perfect sense why it happens, just hope that everyone skips the scene.
maybe something is wrong with YOU guys but no group iv been in EVER took damage in a cutscene, even in the Kryta missions with all the white mantle wacking on us during the cutscenes, you guys probably just have issues...
I've taken damage during cutscenes. No, it wasn't desgined that way Blaine, it just seems that they didn't turn off the damage... taking.... thing.... during those. I mean, after all, they didn't turn off the agro option during the cutscenes either. Probably just an oversight, it happens.
Originally Posted by Cymmina
Now this is just plain stupid. Why is it that players continue to take damage during cut scenes? Because two people just *had* to watch a cut scene, even though they could still see us being pummeled in the background, my group had two deaths. I had to suffer a death on my low death count character because of something I simply could not control (13 deaths now with 2/3 of ascention missions done).
If damage is going to be allowed to be done during cut scenes, stop forcing people to watch a cut scene if they want to skip it, just because someone in the group doesn't want to. Or give us the ability to swear at our teammates during cut scenes if they won't skip. |
Originally Posted by SOT
This is OT, but I don't care. Death count? You actually keep track of that? Why the hell for?
If this is your biggest complaint about the game, then you must really think this is the greatest game ever. A minor detail, barely worth the time I took to read this.
I don't care about the death count.
I care that my first time on Elona, some goober ran past all the minitaurs and right to the ghost.
Then some other goober wouldn't skip the cinematics, even though they watched an entire army of Minitaurs casually walk up, take a bite out of us, and when the cutscene ended, we were all dead except for Little Thom, who procedeed to act confused as to what was beating on him.
But that Ghostly hero did take one or two down. An effort in futility maybe, but still a nice gesture.
I care that my first time on Elona, some goober ran past all the minitaurs and right to the ghost.
Then some other goober wouldn't skip the cinematics, even though they watched an entire army of Minitaurs casually walk up, take a bite out of us, and when the cutscene ended, we were all dead except for Little Thom, who procedeed to act confused as to what was beating on him.
But that Ghostly hero did take one or two down. An effort in futility maybe, but still a nice gesture.
Oh, your party didnt auto-rez at the cut scene? Now I see the problem your talking about..if that is what your saying. Yeah, that would indeed be a problem. I would think Anet would be on this one already though.
If not: Hey, Anet, how 'bout 'cha fixin' that there bug!
If not: Hey, Anet, how 'bout 'cha fixin' that there bug!
Yeah, that's, at least my problem with it.
Infusion run missions are half and half. The point where you skip to the cutscene is far enough out for you to be able to view the whole scene without prior aggroed enemies following you in. Wandering in, that's different, but I've only seen one instance of a baddie aggro the cutscene, and it didn't kill the target. i see people getting whomped on in the D'Alessio Seaboard(I think, the one where you have to save Dorian, could be a later mission), but they're NPC's. Pretty funny to see people being attacked by Undead while I'm being knighted.
This absolutely DOES happen. It IS funny to watch Prince Rurik blather nobly on while a Charr is bashing on someone right next to him. But it isn't so funny if you die.
Aye. You don't drop during the cutscene, but you do take the damage during it, and qute often, once the game resumes, your dead.
Draven Mauler
While doing the Mission from Draknors Forge (mind mispellings) my team of 8, no henchmen were doing great. We got to the cut scene where we free wuts her face from the prison. However, seconds before bombing the door open some *expletive* decided to aggro 3 Mursats (extremely nasty elementalists who can waste a caster in seconds) and a group of Mantles...
So those thinking members of the party (6/8 of us) immediately hit the skip button and then watched the entire cut scene (first time for myself) in horror.
On the lighter side it was hilarious to watch our group in flames, the NPC giving her courageous speech with her close-up showing her face engulfed in flames. Furthermore, you could hear the mobs nuking and striking throughout the entire scene. This happens to me all the time, just not in a Post Ascension Scenario. All of us were lvl20 except our lvl16 'friend' who invited the mobs just before the cut scene. Not one to blame, I admit that the cut scene was long enough that when it was about half way thru, the same mobs would have aggro'd us anyways.
End result... 6/8 completely dead when cut scene ends. 2/8 standing in utter shock die in about 5 secs. I dont care who I offend at Anet but this is trully the dumbest flaw yet. I cant think of a single game I've ever played that allowed you to die, let alone take damage, while watching a cut scene. Especially when it isnt your 'personal' choice to watch one. In many missions the timing of a cut scene is rather spontaneous and without fore warning. Thus, how do you know when you have to clear an entire area of mobs instead of avoiding aggro to save time. Either way you may end up in a cut scene and not have known better. And unless Anet could provide a voice communications prog to accompany the standard type written communications, you have absolutely no way of convincing those (2/8 in my group) morons to skip so we all dont die. LOL I mean wtf did they think those flames were for!? The best part is the fact that your gruesome death is automatically loaded into the pre-programmed cutscene. So you get to watch every detail and do nothing about it.
Anet must see the flaw in this. A cut scene has been part of a reward system since the days of FFVII. I love how Anet has made them both a form of rewards and information. However, the reward and information cut scene is only that the first and maybe the second time viewed. Please give us the power to not sit thru these things at the whim of new pc's or those who would like to use the loo while we suffer thru the same cut scene for... say, the 20th time.
So those thinking members of the party (6/8 of us) immediately hit the skip button and then watched the entire cut scene (first time for myself) in horror.

End result... 6/8 completely dead when cut scene ends. 2/8 standing in utter shock die in about 5 secs. I dont care who I offend at Anet but this is trully the dumbest flaw yet. I cant think of a single game I've ever played that allowed you to die, let alone take damage, while watching a cut scene. Especially when it isnt your 'personal' choice to watch one. In many missions the timing of a cut scene is rather spontaneous and without fore warning. Thus, how do you know when you have to clear an entire area of mobs instead of avoiding aggro to save time. Either way you may end up in a cut scene and not have known better. And unless Anet could provide a voice communications prog to accompany the standard type written communications, you have absolutely no way of convincing those (2/8 in my group) morons to skip so we all dont die. LOL I mean wtf did they think those flames were for!? The best part is the fact that your gruesome death is automatically loaded into the pre-programmed cutscene. So you get to watch every detail and do nothing about it.
Anet must see the flaw in this. A cut scene has been part of a reward system since the days of FFVII. I love how Anet has made them both a form of rewards and information. However, the reward and information cut scene is only that the first and maybe the second time viewed. Please give us the power to not sit thru these things at the whim of new pc's or those who would like to use the loo while we suffer thru the same cut scene for... say, the 20th time.
I does happen, but it only happens when you rush and dont kill the enemies in your path, a common event is , "rush to cuts scene, everyone gets rez'd". Is it a fair system, no, you should be able to avoid death during cut scenes, but then again cut scenes shouldn't auto rez everyone.
If they didn't I bet there would actually be fewer death due to cut scenes as people would no longer run to get to cut scenes, it would also make infusion runs more or less imposs and you would have to actually do the missions rather than just run passt everything.
If they didn't I bet there would actually be fewer death due to cut scenes as people would no longer run to get to cut scenes, it would also make infusion runs more or less imposs and you would have to actually do the missions rather than just run passt everything.
Draven Mauler
Well, a valid point yours may be. However, I am unclear as to which GW you have been playing. But the "option" to run past everything doesnt exist in my version of GW. The only time this works is when (or if it does exist) a mission is accomplished by your simply running into a zone. None of the missions Ive ever completed were done without a huge degree of fighting, and/or dying, and/or rezzing. So as to the option of being lazy and running through a mission its a moot point. The problem with dying in cut scenes is that its unnavoidable and when all of us die, the missions over.
Maybe ANet put this "feature" in, in order to discourage people from using cutscenes to teleport across the map and skip content. Of course, it's easy to have everyone skip the cutscene, so it isn't a very effective fix to that problem.
This is annoying, although hilarious.
One time, in I think Sanctum Cay, when the bridge is cut, we had 3 justicar attaking our leader. The kept attacking him during the entire cutscene. They Walked on air. Our leader is blabbing on while 3 Mantles are wacking at his back. Great stuff.
And then, when it isn't an end-mission cutscene........not so good stuff.
One time, in I think Sanctum Cay, when the bridge is cut, we had 3 justicar attaking our leader. The kept attacking him during the entire cutscene. They Walked on air. Our leader is blabbing on while 3 Mantles are wacking at his back. Great stuff.
And then, when it isn't an end-mission cutscene........not so good stuff.
It happens all the time, and it is very annoying.
I've never died from it though. I did get a good chuckle when Vazir whoever summoned his ice boat and proclaimed us all saved when we were getting beat up and Meteor Showered. My party proceeded to stand there and cheer.
I've never died from it though. I did get a good chuckle when Vazir whoever summoned his ice boat and proclaimed us all saved when we were getting beat up and Meteor Showered. My party proceeded to stand there and cheer.
Originally Posted by BlaineTog
Um, guys? That isn't supposed to happen. If it does, you are getting whacked by a bug.
Originally Posted by Draven Mauler
Well, a valid point yours may be. However, I am unclear as to which GW you have been playing. But the "option" to run past everything doesnt exist in my version of GW. The only time this works is when (or if it does exist) a mission is accomplished by your simply running into a zone. None of the missions Ive ever completed were done without a huge degree of fighting, and/or dying, and/or rezzing. So as to the option of being lazy and running through a mission its a moot point. The problem with dying in cut scenes is that its unnavoidable and when all of us die, the missions over.
There have to be hostiles within your aggro circle for them to attack.
Therefore there must be hostiles on patrol, near a cut scene for them to attack during a cut scene. Lack of patients means that you have not killed these creatures before activating cut scene. There are a few missions that I have seen players run past monsters to get to cut scenes, It usually happens on the harder missions, or it happens because players have failed 1 or 2 times already and "cannot be bothered to kill them mino's" etc.
Originally Posted by Shadow_Avenger
I does happen, but it only happens when you rush and dont kill the enemies in your path
While you are being attacked during a cut scene, the screen flashes red, so I highly doubt this is a "bug".
I think that all cut scenes should include an auto-charm placed on all characters that gives something like 500% return damage, and fast heal. This would quickly take care of any left over mobs.
Draven Mauler
Look, this can occur in many ways:
1. Patrolling Mobs aggro party while in the cut scene.
2. Party is attacking group of mursat when n00b frees Evennia, cut scene.
3. Party dies and one member is requested, rather begged by all other members to "Stay Alive!!!" This entails... um, running. The last member unkowingly runs into a cut scene (Northern Wall Quest is good Example) that same player thinks "oh good a break I'll just watch this new cut scene." Entire party stays dead.
4. Etc...
In none of these example do we even address the known and well used strategy of avoiding aggro, even by patrol units. I can't think of a single game where you must, always confront every last possible attacker. You have the option to avoid some aggro, and in this game it is harder than most of the others. So when it is possible I take that opportunity. So now that I know better, I would instruct my team to kill the patrolling mobs before hand If they wanted to view the entire cut scene. If I didnt know better, we would die.
1. Patrolling Mobs aggro party while in the cut scene.
2. Party is attacking group of mursat when n00b frees Evennia, cut scene.
3. Party dies and one member is requested, rather begged by all other members to "Stay Alive!!!" This entails... um, running. The last member unkowingly runs into a cut scene (Northern Wall Quest is good Example) that same player thinks "oh good a break I'll just watch this new cut scene." Entire party stays dead.
4. Etc...
In none of these example do we even address the known and well used strategy of avoiding aggro, even by patrol units. I can't think of a single game where you must, always confront every last possible attacker. You have the option to avoid some aggro, and in this game it is harder than most of the others. So when it is possible I take that opportunity. So now that I know better, I would instruct my team to kill the patrolling mobs before hand If they wanted to view the entire cut scene. If I didnt know better, we would die.
I actually got to watch Prince Rurik get attacked *while* doing his little horn cut scene. I thought it was hilarious.
But yes, I wouldn't find it so amusing if it happened to me. Damn. I hate when my self-centered nature rears it's ugly head.
But yes, I wouldn't find it so amusing if it happened to me. Damn. I hate when my self-centered nature rears it's ugly head.