Also does anyone know the average number of people on gw who have headsets

Swarnt Brightstar
Chev of Hardass
Swarnt Brightstar
Crazy thing of Doom
Swarnt Brightstar
Crazy thing of Doom
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Thanks I'll tell my dad *glare*... he still probably wont let me get it though *glare*
Tetris L
I Elemental I
Tetris L
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by Sira
I personally dont see the need for any VC in tombs... guild battles and guild groups i can see using it for but for an average pick up group its rather useless in my opinion...its to hard to understand people for one when trying to speak over each other...its also much easier to just hit your macroed assist key then trying to figure out who is yelling GET THE $$$$ MONK lol. Dont get me wrong im not saying VC isnt worth it, I just dont think its as useful as this game trys to make it for just regular game play...with guild groups and what not its a lil different...in tombs ur just playing for fame and fun...but in guild battles ur playing for rank rating and fun...lil more on the line there so communication is very important. I would like to point out to people...VC DOES NOT MAKE A GRP, its the players and the skills that make it, so if a player doesnt have or use VC...dont flame them and call noobs, its really annoying to go to tombs these days and everyone spamming no noobs this and no noobs thats and get out of here you noob, this is a game where people have fun, and when people do the above mentioned things, you drive away good people and potential great players but thats off topic a bit....
My desk is always a mess so headset is better for me. P.S. sorry to get off topic and go on my little rant there but i see way to many rude people on this game lately, and its sad really because this game is supposed to be about fun, not about insulting other races, religions, gaming skill levels or their mommas weight eheh thanks for letting me say my peice though and sorry for going off topic by 3 miles or so |
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by Aaaaagh
Thank your dad, for having a brain. It's nice to see there are still parents out there with some common sense.
On the upside, your dad does let you play online games and there are alot of parents who dont, so count your blessings. You do not need a headset for GW, its nice, but definately not needed. |
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
I understand his concern... and if you're a girl (not an insult, a lot of gw players are girls and you can't really tell by the forum name) then it's all the more valid. But just explain to him that the only difference between a headset and typing is the speed of communication. Sure they hear your voice, but you would still exercise the same level of discretion that you would when typing. Just because you're actually speaking with your voice doesn't mean that you would be giving up your address, your personal stats (m/14/etc.). It's simply a game addition.
I'm quite sure that he's worried about your safety and not about the expense... Perhaps hunt around on the net and find a good site that represents why you should have this and why it's "safe." Above all else when asking for a headset, just like going in on a mission in the game, having a strategy counts for everything, nagging will make his NO all the more firm. |
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Thanks I'll tell my dad *glare*... he still probably wont let me get it though *glare*
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
teamspeak is what we've been talking about, just a particular brand or something... like ventrilo
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
and what's teamspeak?...
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Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
And also is there alot of profanity that runs through the line? I dont really mind cause when I die I sometimes type "dam" but then I say "good try guys" so...
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Numa Pompilius
Gauwyn Vorec
Originally Posted by Tetris L
http://www.teamspeak.org/ <- currently down? Search Google for other webistes.
Chev of Hardass
Chev of Hardass
Chev of Hardass
Swarnt Brightstar