As far as I can gather, Baptiste is the last name of a few authors of books on the Chakras and Yoga. There are a few of them with the last name of Baptiste but they are all related to writing books on Chakras or Yoga, there was someplace I saw while surfing the "Baptiste Center" as in like a place.
I don't quite get the reference yet but ah well, all in due time, I wonder if it is a reference to one of the Chakra books...
I did a website on Chakras once for a college project, I believe its still up... *goes to fetch the link* Not much different than what the other one says, but anyway, this is an interesting easter egg, now its time for us all to go running into random things and hope we can see odd things like this
EDIT: Added my website links before, Type A and Type B just mean different pictures for the Chakras themselves, exact same aside from that XD
My Chakra Website [Type A]
My Chakra Website [Type B]