I've read tons of forum/sites but not all is clear to me, let's start:
1) Except the 8 skills u get to use in combat u don't have nothing? I mean basic styles for meleers or basic cast for casters?
2) Are there positional/reactionar styles?
3) Max grp is 8 ppl, does this mean EVERY mob/quest in the game could be done with 8 ppl?
4) I had great experiences with theese developers with Starcraft but bigger problem we had in SC and D2 too was cheating, how do u think they can solve this problem?
5) Which is difference about primary and secondary skills? I've read that primary attribute gives u some advantages to your primary class skills but..I can't understand if I'm a W/E may I take 3W skills and 5E skills with me?
6) How do I get skills points? What is maximum I can have?
7) If answer to question 1 is no, don't u think 8 "stuff to do" r not that much for a skill based game? Usually in Daoc I use 4-5 Qbars + 9 Qbinds...
8) Are there commands like /face, target, assist?
9) If I unlock some skill with my PvE toon will that be unlocked for ALL my PvP toons?
Ok finished atm

Ty for any answer u will give

P.S. I'm not english so don't blame me for eventual errors