I heard that if your continent has the Favour of the Gods supposedly you can bow down before a god (statue?) to unlock some skills/runes for PvP play?? What gives?
If so, then how does the game determin what continent you're from? Just by the server that you connect to?
Disclaimer: I did try to search the forum, but the terms "god" and "bow" are too short for a search with only 3 letters.
Favour of the Gods > Bow before a god to unlock something?
Tetris L
I've never heard of that before. However depending on what country/continent has the favor of the gods decides who will be able to do missions in the temple of the ages.
If you are on an American server and America has favor of the gods, the statues in ToA will "glow". THe same thing applies if Korea or Europe one and you were on one of their servers.
To activate the temple of ages missions you must seek out one of the statues of the gods (only 2 work rihgt now, Balthazar, and Grenth.) and kneel before it. This will bring out a representative of the god and in exchange for 1 plat, they will give you passage to eitther the Underworld or Fissure of Woe where you'll have acces to some rare items in the game.
If you are on an American server and America has favor of the gods, the statues in ToA will "glow". THe same thing applies if Korea or Europe one and you were on one of their servers.
To activate the temple of ages missions you must seek out one of the statues of the gods (only 2 work rihgt now, Balthazar, and Grenth.) and kneel before it. This will bring out a representative of the god and in exchange for 1 plat, they will give you passage to eitther the Underworld or Fissure of Woe where you'll have acces to some rare items in the game.
It's determined by whether you're on the American or European server sets. Using "/kneel" a god's statue when you have favour normally summons an avatar of that god, who then lets you choose between offering 50 gold for 3 pips of health regen and having all negative effects removed and offering 100 gold for +2% morale.
In towns, the avatars will still be summoned, but don't do anything except for the avatars of Balthazar and Grenth in the Temple of Ages, who respectively take you to the Fissure of Woe and the Underworld for 1 plat. These are high level explorable areas without rez points (so you get sent back if you fail), with quests for large amounts of experience (5k-10k), special 15k armour crafters, and (sometimes) good drops. Nothing is automatically unlocked for you.
In towns, the avatars will still be summoned, but don't do anything except for the avatars of Balthazar and Grenth in the Temple of Ages, who respectively take you to the Fissure of Woe and the Underworld for 1 plat. These are high level explorable areas without rez points (so you get sent back if you fail), with quests for large amounts of experience (5k-10k), special 15k armour crafters, and (sometimes) good drops. Nothing is automatically unlocked for you.
Tetris L
Thanks both, I guess that's it. My friend, who told me about it, was unsure himself what exactly would be unlocked.
Dr Titch
were is the temple of ages by the way
The terms god and bow should be long enough now. I complained about the "3 letters are too short" feature and it got resolved (rather quickly I'll add... kudos gwguru staff). However, it may have just been certain words that were added and not 3 letter words generally...
One thing I do know of is that you need the favor of the gods (and 1k) to get passage to the underworld.
One thing I do know of is that you need the favor of the gods (and 1k) to get passage to the underworld.
Right before you fight Rotscale in Majesty's Rest there is a statue of Balthazaar. If you're in the favor of the Gods it will be burning. Kneel in front of it and a ghost will appear. Then you can buy stuff from him... I'm pretty sure it's a +6 moral bonus for 100G and a 3+ health regen for 50G.
Just found that one last night.
Just found that one last night.

Wait in Sardelac Sanitrium i saw an "Avatar of Dwanya" does that have anvthing to do with the rift?
There's a Lysaa statue out in Mineral Springs too. Same deal as the Balthazar statue by Rotscale, one payment for a small health regen buff and the other to give yourself a 2% morale bonus. The morale bonus can be bought all the way up to the 10% cap, meaning you can do away with even a 60% death penalty if you feel like shelling out the cash.