Here's a little movie of a pure mesmer farming Flesh Golems.
If someone has a better place to upload this -- please do so, or inform me of a better host. This thing won't stay up for very long.
Okay, let me start off by saying that I didn't exactly know where to put this thread, since it's both a build thread, a movie, and a little help for those primary mesmers who want to farm without going, for example, pure monk.

I've seen multiple threads on multiple forums where primary mesmers asked for a farming build, yet never got one. The answer was always, and I think Ensign said something similiar as well: "Their damage is crap, their armor is crap." Their self-healing is just about as worthless.
A fine little challenge, I think. I set out to make a farming build for my mesmer/monk. I wanted at least one mesmer attribute seriously used. Now farming is virtually always done with AoE skills, and mesmers don't really have that. Channeling was the exception on that - it could make for a pretty awesome energy source if you're fighting tons of monsters. Then, there was a build here on GWguru where someone used distortion and spirit of failure to avoid being hit and gain energy in the process.
I decided on Protection (guardian, shield of deflection) instead of illusion (distortion) to avoid being hit, because the latter is a stance and wouldn't trigger Zealot's Fire, which was my main damage skill. Then, Reversal of Fortune for spamming and more damage prevention, Physical Resistance (since most farmable mobs do physical damage, and I have no way to heal myself at all). Turned out to work quite fine. A monk/mesmer would be just as good at this build, with Divine Favor self-healing, although both Spirit and Shield have an awful casting time.
This build was useful for farming in some places where the 'usual' healing/smiting monk build can't due to sheer damage; On the other hand, this build is incredibly weak to mass enchantment removal (7 of the skills used are enchantments), meaning that farming flesh golems with this one is a big no-no. Then again, those can be farmed without complex builds, even by pure mesmers.
Now, enough on the build, there's a movie attached here. I used the free version of Fraps, meaning that no clips are longer than 30 seconds (no long battles, thus) and there's an annoying message on the top side of the screen. The music isn't the best, but it's fitting. It gets the point over though.

Finally, I'll use this post as an advertisement. I'm still looking for a seriously competitive, preferably European or international guild. Any offers?

The movie. Not the best upload site, but it'll do for now. :P