Hard recruiting new guild members


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


Mighty Crusade


I'm having alot of trouble getting people to join my guild so I thought of this hoping it will help with more people.

I think they should implant a screen that has a list of all the guilds recruitng and you can choose if you want to recruit.Then you can leave a message or description of your guild for other people without a guild to look at when they click your guild name on the screen and it will show all the poeple in your guild.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


The Heroics


Could be nice, but i think those people are going to be [email protected] with tons of messages from all the 1000ends of guilds
Promote some members to officers and pay them per member or something lol
We just do missions and we aproach people who are in guilds and are good ( or guildles for that matter ) and ask if they would like to join us.
Perhaps you need a very special thing that ure guild has over the other ( like we are gettin

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Orlando, FL

Global Gaming Syndicate


I don;t know its not that hard. just group up with random people and if thier not part of a guild try to recruit them. if they make comments like wow a guild that actually workd together when you and your guildmate pick up random people steal them from teh other guild.

I don't like the idea of letting people see what guilds are recruiting. simply put you would get too many people that don't work with the guild and just want the cape or to say they are on this guild or that. I mean the top guilds would get spammed even worse then they are by people wanting to join them


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

I'm pretty much at my wits for my guild. So far I got 6 people one guy who hasn't shown up in a week, and numerous people who join up for about 5 minutes. I guess I'm too casual for the hardcore players and too hardcore for the casual players, and yes I don't know what that means .


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


My guild only invtes people if they A) know them in real life, or B) can prove that they are good but C) soling gates of kyrta and winning. No henchmen.
Or they are just a friend/someone friendly and good that a member found in a group with no guild.

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Orlando, FL

Global Gaming Syndicate


Jab the thing is you need a basis for forming a guild. usually exisitng multi game guilds or a group of real life friends is a good one.

i'll tell you know froming a guild from scratch and being in charge is nothing but a pain in the ass


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Santa Cruz, California

Clan of the Bone Dragon


I agree... its a pain, and you spend a lot of time trying to recruit while missing game play. Plus, there are very few who actually aren't in a guild. Typically it's new players in pre-searing, not post-searing and in the higher levels (meaning end game) so recruiting is limited unless you do get a team mate that does make comments.

I find it frustrating because I really want to join a large established guild with many active players. Oh well, what can we do?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


The Heroics


Why does everyone go about sitting in there 2 player guilds than. Just give it up and join someone elses guild. If ure nice enough and good enough ure bound to be an officer some day, and ittl be like leading
Perhaps its a good idea for Anet to put a limit. If the guild hasnt recruited 10 members in there first week the guild will be disbanded or something
Or you need a few members to create it or something



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Guild wars is becomming Spam wars. To recruit? Go spam your bloody guild info in a chat channel in pre-searing or post ascalon until some guppie accepts. Maybe if you're lucky you'll catch one with a brain. Maybe not, maybe you'll get a shoe instead.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Be good at the game. People will gravitate towards you if you are good.

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Orlando, FL

Global Gaming Syndicate


yeah i have never seen a good player join a spamming guild anyway. if your sitting in town posting recruit messages your not a guild worth joining most likly. most good guilds pick up members in random groups and invite them after adventuring with them for a while.

you want in a good guild? look for a group of guildmembers looking to fill out a party and run with them. you do good you may be able to ask for an invite if one isn't offered.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


Mighty Crusade


Originally Posted by cyberzomby
Why does everyone go about sitting in there 2 player guilds than. Just give it up and join someone elses guild. If ure nice enough and good enough ure bound to be an officer some day, and ittl be like leading
Perhaps its a good idea for Anet to put a limit. If the guild hasnt recruited 10 members in there first week the guild will be disbanded or something
Or you need a few members to create it or something
That wouldn't be very good for me because I've been playing for like a month now and I only got about 8 players in my guild.

How about you need to have 6 people with you to create the guild.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by speedtouch
That wouldn't be very good for me because I've been playing for like a month now and I only got about 8 players in my guild.

How about you need to have 6 people with you to create the guild.
I'm currently in a small guild (only like 3-4 ppl at the moment, but people i know IRL) and i see a problem with any requirement for creating a guild, say that the limit is 6 players, you start a guild and then one player leaves...would this disband the guild?...that doesn't seem fair to me but on the other hand if the guild remains even below the req. then you could pay people a few hundred gold to "help" you start your guild and then 10 mins later go back to their own guild...this would create a problem..maybe i'm wrong...maybe there is a simple way to fix this.....

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Gs-Cyan Bloodbane

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Orlando, FL

Global Gaming Syndicate


hey if you want to have a guild with only 2 or 3 people in go right ahead.

Just don't complain taht its hard to recruit/keep people in a guild like that

Detrick Sky

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Knights of the Alliance

Guild recruiting in any game is hard. Knights of the Alliance is a gaming community I have belonged to for several years and we have chapters in many different games. We have a nice website which attracts people. We also have members fill out an online application, this tends to weed out the players who are not serious about a guild.

We also have Real Life guild meet ups, the last one was a cook out at my place. People came from all over. I have even had people from England come over. I only recommend this for members that you get to know real well, although most of our meet ups are public places. I have to admit you would not imagine the many different walks of life people come from. It makes for some interesting pictures for sure.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

USA/Near Chicago

The Divine Darkness <TDDG>


Originally Posted by speedtouch
I'm having alot of trouble getting people to join my guild so I thought of this hoping it will help with more people.

I think they should implant a screen that has a list of all the guilds recruitng and you can choose if you want to recruit.Then you can leave a message or description of your guild for other people without a guild to look at when they click your guild name on the screen and it will show all the poeple in your guild.
Like you were mentioning, maybe it could be just a simple message board that can be viewed by a visting NPC in town. Perhaps to prevent spaming it could limit the amount of "character space" like the guild announcement does. Or perhaps there could fill out questions that briefly describe your guild. Ex: Name of guild: The imaginary guild, Aprox number of members: 3, etc... There could also be a max amount of time you can have your guild recruting notice posted as well... Maybe you can't completly avoid the spaming, but it may at least reduce it in chat.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

European Server or International

my guild recruits by invite only, and only after having played with the character for some time. It's crucial to make sure your guildie is a people person before inviting.

It's one thing to make the mistake of tanking with a ranger (where you can learn from your mistakes) and quite another to drop missions half-way or practice genitalia sketches in the compass-map.

However, it would be nice if there was a LFG channel that could be toggled. This could also double as a recruting for guild channel.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

This is my experience:

I'm the guild leader of a guild called "Team GameFAQs" [GFAQ] and we have 100 members. The common bond that holds us together is the fact that we all post on the www.gamefaqs.com message boards. In fact, that is the pre-requisite for joining the guild.

As a result, the guild never recruits inside the game...all recruitment comes from the GameFAQs message board. About 85% of our members have been active in the past week with 3 week inactives booted to make room for new members, it all works out well.

The great thing about the guild is the size and mixture. There is a group of new players still going through the PvE and asking lots of questions and that's cool. There's also a group of about 20 ascended who have finished or are just about to finish the game and will start guild battling this week. It doesn't matter where you're coming from, the guild has a place for you.

I think something that helps a guild is organisation. My guild has a Teamspeak server with 20 slots (I pay for this) as well as a messageboard where we can post topics and issues. The guild strives to maintain a mature image and so rude players, immature players etc are removed from the guild (this hasn't happened very often). Having a Guild Hall also gives us a great place to meet and trade/giveaway items. Reputation and being able to maintain an enjoyable and co-operative playing environment are extremely important factors. We're not looking to be the uber-guild from hell but we need to have good standards of behaviour for the benefit of all.

In the end, I feel sorry for the small 2-8 member guilds that are trying to expand. Unless you have an outside way of doing it, I think it will be very hard ingame. Those people crying out for members in Ascalon City are likely to see no success. Organisation is the key.....people need to know you're serious about forming and maintaining a guild rather than hoping people will join and it will become big. This never happens.

In fact, if anyone here in a small guild is willing to give it up to join a well-organised 100 member guild, you are more than welcome (as long as you have a GameFAQs posting account). Our guild messageboard has information for you at:


Sorry, I didn't mean for this to be a recruitment session, just if anyone was interested....
My 2 cents worth about the whole guild thing, anyway.