Holy Damage Ignores Armor?
Is this true? Rumor I heard somewhere on a forum... if its true that Holy Damage ignores armor, then wouldn't the best damage dealers be Monks? Not only that, but they'd be the rarest; Monks themselves aren't as common, and damage-based monks even less so, as damage dealers tend to go the Elementalist route. A self-healing damage dealer that can rez seems like an immense force to be reckoned with... so is this true? That Holy Damage is armor-ignorant?
All monk's smite spells ignore armor, same with mesmer's spells. However, just because the damage goes through doesn't mean its good. Other stuff like cast time, total damage, situational uses, etc, comes into play as well.
Interesting... but it does mean that a Monk or Mes can do better against a Warrior, doesn't it? I can't really gauge, there aren't any smiting templates, are there?
Smiting power is actually more along a defensive attack description. If anyone gets too close, cast Symbol of Wrath, walk away and keep healing. If you're lucky, a warrior with less than 100 health left will approach you while you've got your smiting skills suiped up pretty good, and he's as good as tomorrow night's turkey burger.
Sausaletus Rex
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