Hello there GW world,
Im a monk and was looking to complete my skill list, but cant find healing hands. I read somewhere it was from a riptide boss in D'Alessio Seabord. I went there and the boss never cast it. Anyone else know where i could locate this skill?
Healing Hands {Elite}
Brull Browbeater has it. He is located in Perdition Rock, just outside ember light camp.He is an ettin boss.
There are 2 spots where he can spawn. The first spot is close to the first ether seal you see, towards the right behind the 2-3 jade bows. Be sure to get there early, as sometimes the boss will engage the jade bows, and since monsters are not infused, they get killed pretty quickly by the mursaat. The 2nd place is slightly past the ether seal, on the other side of a narrow stream of lava. Hold down ctrl and you should see a group of mango hydras, if he's there he'll show up with them. Note: he doesn't always spawn, sometimes another boss will spawn there, and sometimes no boss will spawn at all. You may need to reload the map a couple of times to get the skill (I had to load Perdition about 40 times to get echo T_T)
thanks a lot guys, went first time and was lucky to get it!