I read a news article off of 1up.com that mentioned once level 20 you can change your 2nd profession. I was wondering if anyone knew where to go or what to do to change it?
I wanna change my N/W20 to a N/Mo20, meaning I want my 2nd profession to be monk.
Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: sorry didnt notice the other thread asking about this but any answers are welcomed....
2nd profession change?
I Am A Sasquatch
same question, i think its in crystal desert, its one of the 15 pt attribute quests.
where is crystal desert exactly? I have some world maps from several websites so maybe i will check them...
sorry for asking the same question again, i didnt notice it till it after i posted...
sorry for asking the same question again, i didnt notice it till it after i posted...

just checked the world map of all areas and didnt notice it... Any ideas where it is?
It has nothing to do with the attribute quests.
The quests for changing secondary professions can be found in the following areas in Crystal Desert: Seeker's Passage, Destiny's Gorge, and Hero's Audience. Each one has two NPCs that represent a class and will give you a quest for that class. If you complete it you can then change your secondary to that profession at will.
The quests for changing secondary professions can be found in the following areas in Crystal Desert: Seeker's Passage, Destiny's Gorge, and Hero's Audience. Each one has two NPCs that represent a class and will give you a quest for that class. If you complete it you can then change your secondary to that profession at will.
how does one get to the crystal desert and what quests/missions are involved to get there?
its is the huge area below acalon, near the ocean/penninsula you get there after you beat Sanctum Cay
thanks man, me and one of my guild officers tried doing the sanctum cay mission but failed. We will try it again later. Thanks for the help guys! ^_^