If I have a staff that has ONLY these two bonuses:
Increase recharge time of Smiting Prayers (20%)
Increase casting speed of Smiting Prayers (20%)
and I have staff wrapping which has this bonus:
Increase Smiting Prayers +1 (20%)
Which one will the "+1 Smiting" replace? The recharge or the speed bonus?
One More Time ¬_¬
That's a good question, I would also like to know how the game decides on which bonus to remove.
Someone needs to do some testing!
Someone needs to do some testing!
is the staff named in any way? ie Firey Staff of Fortitude, etc? If not, then you won't loose a thing. Now if you have a staff wrapping of Fortitude and your Staff is a firey staff of charrslaying, putting the wrapping on it would change it to a fiery staff of fortitude. You'ld lose the charrslaying bit. Follow?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it just add a third attribute and rename it "whatever staff of Smiting"? Or are the other two bonuses from upgrades as well? I just went and tested with a PvP staff and thats what happened. *shrug*
Originally Posted by Valin
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it just add a third attribute and rename it "whatever staff of Smiting"? Or are the other two bonuses from upgrades as well? I just went and tested with a PvP staff and thats what happened. *shrug*
The staff's name is blue, so that must mean one of those bonuses will be replaced. But I don't know which bonus is related to which name, the front or back. I think Staff Wrappings replace the back bonus. I hope someone who knows a lot about this can tell me which is the back bonus (recharge time, or casting speed)
Until then, I'm not going to use the +1 Smiting Prayers upgrade until I know for sure all 3 will go on, or exactly which one it will replace. Don't want to ruin my staff
Until then, I'm not going to use the +1 Smiting Prayers upgrade until I know for sure all 3 will go on, or exactly which one it will replace. Don't want to ruin my staff
Eskimo Bob
It will not replace any of those two mods. Those two mods are what I like to call "hidden" or "intergrated". But if your staff already has a wrapping on it, it will replace that wrapping (after you are given a warning and confirmation box).
Ok, thank you! I thought they were mods that could stack with upgrades as well, since I've never seen any staff heads or staff wrappings with +recharge or +casting speed. Wanted to be sure.