Adding to "Allies" in the Party Window
Gangrenous Khan
When playing healer, I love the party window format.... but I've notice that in many quests and some missions the NPC's I'm supposed to be healing don't show up in the party window. Perhaps if a key were mapped that places your current friendly target under the "allies" section of the window. This could make alot of the quests and missions run smoother healers and buffers, as well as provide a way for Necro's more easily target thier minions.
What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?
Most of the time they are not important. As for the ones, such as specific quest NPC's, they can be reloaded/respawned. It is annoying to re-start in the middle of missions or between towns, though.
For fun, I always try to keep everyone alive, including those "Ascalon Strikers" in the Flame Temple Corrider/Althea's Ashes quest and the Ascalon soldiers in many of the missions. I don't think a window is necessary. I think the best option if any changes were to be made is simply to make quest NPC's invincible (unless your job is to protect them, like Prince Rurik)
I'm tired of this Ranger Aidan and Old Mac dying to mobs...but they really shouldn't be added to your party window, either. They're just important NPC's that you have to talk to.
Also, I'd like to point out minions are meant to die. While I personally heal my necro teammate's minions just to be nice, any necro who really wants his minions to live should have monk secondary and use Heal Area or something.
For fun, I always try to keep everyone alive, including those "Ascalon Strikers" in the Flame Temple Corrider/Althea's Ashes quest and the Ascalon soldiers in many of the missions. I don't think a window is necessary. I think the best option if any changes were to be made is simply to make quest NPC's invincible (unless your job is to protect them, like Prince Rurik)
I'm tired of this Ranger Aidan and Old Mac dying to mobs...but they really shouldn't be added to your party window, either. They're just important NPC's that you have to talk to.
Also, I'd like to point out minions are meant to die. While I personally heal my necro teammate's minions just to be nice, any necro who really wants his minions to live should have monk secondary and use Heal Area or something.
Gangrenous Khan
Sorry to be unclear there...not to heal the minions, to -target- them. You can target your minions with death nova before the go down to do some area damage or target them with taste of death to heal yourself for a large amount....both of these tasks can be really difficult in an all out melee, with allied and enemy bodies running in the way of your minnion. Also, if a minnion was the box, his master could more easily tell when another necro steals it with verta's gaze... I don't believe any of the minion healing spells require a target...they automatically target all adjucent or just all minions.
Immortal Flame
I support Khan. If pets are allowed in the Allies window, why not Minions? Especially since with high Death Magic, minions last just as long as pets.
I agree with Khan. Several quests/missions that I've done for my Monk character require keeping a group of people alive throughout several battles (Supplies to Pilkins Square quest, etc). Sometimes, it adds those people to your list with the pets... other times, they don't appear. The frustration comes when you're a character not made to run up in the middle of a fight... For you to choose a character you want to heal, you have to click on the actual character, which makes you, often times, run into the middle of the battle, thus having to heal yourself as well. With all characters who are displayed in the party window, you are able to heal by just clicking on their name, thus being able to heal faster and many more party members. (All of the characters don't have to appear in the party member window, but if we had the option of adding those we want to appear, and it was only added on our individual interfaces, that would be extremely helpful!)

Gangrenous Khan
Thanks. That's exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. The supplies for Pilken Square, Fontier Fugatives, keeping Mhenlo alive in that quest in the shiver peaks, healing the Chosen in the escort missions after Lion's Arch. There are a ton of scenarios that would be so much easier of there was just a hot key to throw necessary friendlies up in the allies box in the party window. Not to mention it's uses with minions! I'm sure there are uses we haven't even thought of yet.
I agree with the fact that they all should be in there, espically the ones like supplies for Piken Square, etc. I really don't heal, so I rely on the henchmen to do so, and they don't touch those not on my list in the middle of battle, maybe afterwards but it doesn't matter if they are dead. Plus if they fall, I would like to ressurect them.
Gangrenous Khan
Hey! Great Ideas along some of the same lines at
The problem I'd expect is that all the friendly NPC's life bars would be loaded (the NPC's in the area) and you'd have 15 or so extra bars to scroll through.
They'd have to have a proximity affect so you don't end up trying to target a friendly NPC half the map away.
They'd have to have a proximity affect so you don't end up trying to target a friendly NPC half the map away.
Minions on the party window may present a problem when you have an army of them. A high level Necro can easily get over 20minions quick.
Gangrenous Khan
Thanks for the input! The idea would be for you to target a minion/NPC and hit a hotkey, say CNTRL-A and they would pop-up in your ally window. Since you would only be selecting the targets you want in the window, you can keep it from getting to cluttered (esp if there is a hot key to remove from the window-like the Delete key). Also if your selections would only apear in YOUR ally window, it would keep obnoxious kids from spamming everyones windows with targets.
Gangrenous Khan
That's true Elythor, but you wouldn't need all 20 in the window. one would probably only have manna to hit 3-5 of them with taste of death or death nova in a battle.
I brought this thread to life again because I think that it will solve many problems, like when you go out with your henchmen and you want that they heal some npcs that are accompanying you (some people are complaining about it now), or in PvP when I stopped playing monk because it was annoying to desperately trying clicking on a team mate in a crowd with low HPs and failed because his name just skipped few points down. It would be not such a great work to make possibility to add some1 to allies window and be able to remove one from there. Still they are not affected by group spells so I don't see any unballancing issues. I think that it's not logical not to be able to cast a spell on someone who is 5 meters before you (crowded by enemies) but you are able to cast a spell on your group member who is behind a wall. I know that if ANet would to do it, they would already done it. It's a good thing, but not implemented and that's one of the little things that are lowering the experience from the game.
That's all from me into this matter.
That's all from me into this matter.
Originally Posted by Elythor
Minions on the party window may present a problem when you have an army of them. A high level Necro can easily get over 20minions quick.
Althought if more than one MM join, they can have 20 of them, and use their sills in all of them no mater who is controlling them.
A minion panel should be added.