I just got to Yak's Bend and wanted to upgrade from my leather armor.
My two armor style options both have the same AL but with either a +15 to cold, or a +15 to fire. Is it better to get all pieces with +15 to one of those, or mix them up?
For example: chest and feet each with +15 to cold, and hands and legs each with +15 to fire. (Or some combo of those)
I've tried to find some posts about this but can't seem to.
Thanks for any advice.
Ranger Armor Question (Yak's Bend)
Chest and Legs are hit the most. Feet and arms are hit less. So if you wear +fire defense on your feet and arms, and +cold defense on chest and legs, you take more damage from a fire using mob than if you did the opposite.
I would pick one modifier and commit in this case. An interesting note about elementalist spells, they always hit the chest piece.
Originally Posted by eA-Zaku
Chest and Legs are hit the most. Feet and arms are hit less. So if you wear +fire defense on your feet and arms, and +cold defense on chest and legs, you take more damage from a fire using mob than if you did the opposite.
As for elemental defence, it'd probably be a tiny bit more *versatile* to mix armor pieces up, but most people just go with one set to look better. I suggest you don't buy any, and wait for the druids set, which gives you a total of 31 energy instead of 20.
Fye Duron
Personally I get all of a type of armor. After all if your going for the protection from one element then you want to be totally covered not just one in 4. At least that is what I do. Personally I'd go with the cheapest till you get to lions and get the druid armor. The extra energy will come in handy...
Yeah you'll especially like 15k druids armor. Oh thats right, it looks EXACTLY the same as normal druids armor. I've lost my faith in luxury items...
You do realize they are changing the artwork on that and other pieces.
Todays update included the following
Todays update included the following
Added new artwork for the Elementalist's ascended Aeromancer Armor, the Necromancer's ascended Necrotic Armor, and the Mesmer's ascended Enchanter Armor. |
Fye Duron
Rangers are still high and dry on the 15K though