Quick question:
I've seen a lot about energy regen, searched the forums and found out several times what an "arrow" of energy regen means... but can someone explain what an arrow of health regen means exactly?
just goofing around, it looks like about one arrow = about +/- 2 health/sec, but I'm looking for something a little more precise. I'm trying to evaluate immolate/epidemic combos, and necro vs. monk regen, for example.
Health Degen/Regen (NOT energy)
correct, one arrow is 2 health/second
...and the maximum amount of regeneration or degeneration possible is 10 arrows (20 health per second).
Helios is that in total ten? Meaning if I'm standing in poison water ( I like hanging out with the henchmen there ), a mesmer hits me with degen and a necro uses a well of degen that would add up to say 11 arrows am I still only going to take 10 arrows? Mind you, this would be for the very short amount of time before I face plant. 
And would multiple sources or regen work the same way?

And would multiple sources or regen work the same way?
No, 10 is max, the 38 in spectral agony is only to prevent you fre putting regen on yourself to survive it.
And energy is 0,3333333333333333333.../s
Health, as said before, 2/s
And energy is 0,3333333333333333333.../s
Health, as said before, 2/s