Pre-Searing/Post Searing?
Sorry for another noob question but, what the heck is Searing,post and pre,?

There are two stages of the game; the past and the future, relative to the 'searing' stage. The 'pre-searing' stage is simply an introduction to the game. Nothing is really important except learning the basics of the game. The 'post-searing' game is where the storyline kicks off.
However, you should watch the cinematics as you progress if you don't wish for anyone to spoil the surprises.
However, you should watch the cinematics as you progress if you don't wish for anyone to spoil the surprises.
don't even worry about it dude... just play on.
A short bit of advice though, in Ascalon a guy asks you to come with him on some campaign or something or other. He tells you "before you accept, make sure you've got no unfinished business since you'll be away for a while." or something like that. He's not kidding. Make sure that this is the very very (and I mean VERY) last thing you want to do on the map. This includes random exploring and looking about too.
A short bit of advice though, in Ascalon a guy asks you to come with him on some campaign or something or other. He tells you "before you accept, make sure you've got no unfinished business since you'll be away for a while." or something like that. He's not kidding. Make sure that this is the very very (and I mean VERY) last thing you want to do on the map. This includes random exploring and looking about too.
Principa Discordia
The searing is where the real game begins, saying anymore will spoil the fun and the great story this game is built around.
Just play through and enjoy it.

Cool Thanks Alot, Im really lookin forward to the game now.8)
Just lastly
Think of pre-searing as the training zone or Isle of refuge if played EQ2
And post searing as the game proper.
Also another tip is save dyes and stuff for selling in post searing as prices jump up on post.
For eg - Dye on pre will sell to trader for 1-40 gp
Post searing to a dye trader 336gp. + silly prices for more rarer dyes.
Same for weapons and stuff but most noticeable jump is the dye.
Hence why some guys farm the dye.
Think of pre-searing as the training zone or Isle of refuge if played EQ2
And post searing as the game proper.
Also another tip is save dyes and stuff for selling in post searing as prices jump up on post.
For eg - Dye on pre will sell to trader for 1-40 gp
Post searing to a dye trader 336gp. + silly prices for more rarer dyes.
Same for weapons and stuff but most noticeable jump is the dye.
Hence why some guys farm the dye.
Spike Stritter
I have a question and stuff that i wanna talk about in PRE.
1.Is it possible for characters that were in pre before the exploit(will not explain)that are still in gh to go to skill trader buy a cap skill and on the trouble in the woods quest go around the cave trap doomtooth kill him and cap barrage?(doomtooth has barrage)
2.I often get confused what should i attack first whne i charr hunt shamans or hunters.I know it would seem that the obvios answer is shaman but hunters kill me with pen. attack.
3.Is it true that outside of ranik is the best place to farm dyes?
Stuff that i know that i want to share.
1.There is a boss in pre who is not found over the wall and is not doomtooth.His name is Skullreaver hes a lvl 5 undead looking warrior boss(i know this becuse the yellow aura)Found in the catacombs.it takes a long time to get to him becuase you have to fight numerous lvl 1 and 3s to get to him.
2.If your planning to go into post dont buy purple weapons.when u get to post there are plenty of good weapons ppl are selling there.
I guess thats basically it for now
1.Is it possible for characters that were in pre before the exploit(will not explain)that are still in gh to go to skill trader buy a cap skill and on the trouble in the woods quest go around the cave trap doomtooth kill him and cap barrage?(doomtooth has barrage)
2.I often get confused what should i attack first whne i charr hunt shamans or hunters.I know it would seem that the obvios answer is shaman but hunters kill me with pen. attack.
3.Is it true that outside of ranik is the best place to farm dyes?
Stuff that i know that i want to share.
1.There is a boss in pre who is not found over the wall and is not doomtooth.His name is Skullreaver hes a lvl 5 undead looking warrior boss(i know this becuse the yellow aura)Found in the catacombs.it takes a long time to get to him becuase you have to fight numerous lvl 1 and 3s to get to him.
2.If your planning to go into post dont buy purple weapons.when u get to post there are plenty of good weapons ppl are selling there.
I guess thats basically it for now
1. I don't see any reason why not
2. I kill Shamans first
3. Yes
2. I kill Shamans first
3. Yes
You can't get to your guild hall from pre...
As another note, there is no pre/post searing in Factions and Nightfall. Instead you're on an island with quests that more or less do the same as pre. Once you get off those islands, things really start to heat up. People usually call them newbie island (an unofficial name). Just so you know in the future.

Originally Posted by taffette
You can't get to your guild hall from pre...