Spell Effects/Graphics Additions

Chronos the Defiler

Chronos the Defiler

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Lacking...need i say more? yes i do...

the skills graphics are just a tad underdeveloped, you go into a battle see some flahing lights and swirls then its over, nothing "bad-ass" looking at all

I would think that better looking skills wouldn't necessarily help out the entire community but it would be a good thing to have around to make battles seem more interesting.

Think about "ice cpikes" instead of just having a ring of blue around the person...make some massive ice spikes shoot out of the ground, one going staight up through the target adn a bunch going into different directions to represent the area of effect.

plenty of these skills could use some new animations, more noticeable is necro and elemental skills.

Added: I also seem to notice plenty of new-age mmorpg's having a fully interactive world, thsi one went in the opposite direction and made it so it put you in its own little server with your own copy of the world, i would love to see a "District" that allows you to enter a public version of the world, where everyone can enter and fight mobs, and adding mob respawn for this specific zone would be necessary to prevent peopel clearing the entire planet!!

Also seen is night/day effects, where the world itself depending on the time of day the world changes along with you, as you keep playing the sun goes down and turns to night, then the sun rises and returnes to day, this would be another simply "nice" effect to have



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Awaiting GW2


Some good ideas...

Especially the interactive world. PvE can get sort of.... monotonous


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

In addition to the usefulness of more unique graphics, it will allow players to recognise some spells without having to click that enemy. This will help skilled players who can recognise the spells fight even more effectively.

Although I love continuity and the idea of a "global" world to slay monsters in... I really think that's too far out of the scope of Guild Wars. Who knows, I might be wrong, but I really don't think guild wars was built to be that sort of game. Its more like Diablo games than any standard MMORPG. The chat lobbys are simply turned into towns now

Same with the sunrise-sunset thing. Although they're great things to behold, dunno if it'd work with such a rigid storyline structure such as GW's. World continuity is not a big thing in Guild Wars as you can go back and talk to people who've you seen "die" and visit places that are supposed to be overrun with enemies.

I wouldn't mind it though, if they could pull something like this off... I'm an openminded kinda guy


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


More effects - I rather like the effects the way they are now. It's also friendlier to lower end video cards than loading down the screen with eye candy effects.

Global world maps - This is the realm of "pay a monthly fee" RPGs. Try to do something like this for free and it's a quick ticket to financial woes.

Local Time variable - I dunno, I'd end up playing almost every minute in the dark! Perhaps if they made it an in-game option to toggle on/off local Time. Not likely to happen though due to the programming required.