Is a headset worth it?
I just bought the game today while I was screwing around on my lunch break. I'm going to start tonight, but when I was buying the game the sales guy offered me an expensive headset.
Are headsets worth it in this game?
I have my mic set up with a stand that holds it about 12 inches away from my mouth. It works great like that for when I'm playing Counter Strike.
What do ya'll think? Is that set up good enough?
Are headsets worth it in this game?
I have my mic set up with a stand that holds it about 12 inches away from my mouth. It works great like that for when I'm playing Counter Strike.
What do ya'll think? Is that set up good enough?
Swampgirl Inez
If you have a mic and speaker set-up you like, I don't really see a reason for you to change that if you don't want to. If you decide to get a headset anyway, you don't need an expensive one. I have a Logitech that cost me about 20 bucks and it works great.
Either way, speaking instead of chatting is HIGHLY recommended.
Either way, speaking instead of chatting is HIGHLY recommended.
Thank you swampgirl!
I'll give my current setup a try tonight. If it doesn't suit me then I will switch to a headset.
Look for me! I could use some friends online. I'll probably have "Attimus" in my name somewhere.
I'll give my current setup a try tonight. If it doesn't suit me then I will switch to a headset.
Look for me! I could use some friends online. I'll probably have "Attimus" in my name somewhere.
I use a pair of decent headphones and a $5 Wal-Mart mic on a stand and people tell me I come in loud and clear. Good enough methinks.
Head phones? WHy, does it get loud or do you not want to disturb others?
Headphones prevent feedback from the mic picking up sounds from the speakers. I personally don't have this problem but I still like headphones most of the time to block out other noise and my wife prefers I use them when she wants to watch TV or something.
I bought a headset from newegg, I can't excatly remember the cost of the headset but I remember the 4.99 shipping was more than the head set. Everyone says I sound just fine. but as stated before if you have a mic and speaker set shouldn't need a head set
Fye Duron
Is Team speak really worth it? I have been thinking about getting it but I really don't know if I want to put out money for it... Is it better for PvE or just PvP?
Just be sure to set your voice to a button and not auto. One annoying thing is hearing people breath or cough
You only have to pay for teamspeak if you want to set up your own server. Personally I think TS blows and prefer vent. Everyone is SOOO much clearer on vent in my experience. Of couse, same deal: you pay for the server (unless you don't need more than 8 people on it at once or you can dig up an older version which is free for unlimited users), but the client is still free.
To get the best quality, low budget headset, look into plantronics audio 90s. Quite comfortable and an awesome mic as well as great sound quality. I think I got my pair for 29.99$ CDN. They are quite good though; Plantronics has been established by their quality mics.
fix dark
I have that Logitech headset that came with the Collecters Edition of Guild Wars. The mic is decent, and the headphones aren't bad either. It's just that the headphones have no noice cancellation so you can still hear everything outside of Guild Wars. For example, when someone is vaccuuming in my house, it is annoying because I can hear it so well. People tell me my mic sounds fine, but the headset isn't the best. Perhaps I'll invest in a better one later, but for now it should do.
And yes, headsets really help in PvE and PvP (mostly the ladder though) because if you take the time to type something to your team, that's wasting your time and is distracting you from the game. Better to just speak to your team.
And yes, headsets really help in PvE and PvP (mostly the ladder though) because if you take the time to type something to your team, that's wasting your time and is distracting you from the game. Better to just speak to your team.
I've been thinking about getting a headset, but play on my HTPC in the living room using a wireless keyboard/mouse (on the widescreen TV. It rocks.), and am about 15' away from the PC.
Are there any decent wireless setups? I've looked into the Logitech Bluetooth, but apparently it slows down mouse response time, which would obviously suck. Any other options?
Are there any decent wireless setups? I've looked into the Logitech Bluetooth, but apparently it slows down mouse response time, which would obviously suck. Any other options?
theres really no point in getting a headset for guild wars...only for first person shooters like counter-strike in which sound and voice communication really matters. ur set up would already work great. question is do u have headphones? cuz headsets/headphones > speakers when playing counterstrike. works miracles cuz u can actually feel if theyre to ur left/right/behind
I have a 3 speaker set up. (right/left, and sub) In counter strike I can tell where they are. Pretty good speakers. I have some cheap mic that I found and it is held by an wooden model figurine. I can get that little guy to hold it up high and just out of they way for my monitor. People tell me I sound very clear and I get no feed back.
Newbie question. I had a 2 man party last night with another noob, and we could figure out how to chat through voice. I couldn't find anything in the instruction book about it.
how do I team chat or use my mic at all?!!
Newbie question. I had a 2 man party last night with another noob, and we could figure out how to chat through voice. I couldn't find anything in the instruction book about it.
how do I team chat or use my mic at all?!!
Originally Posted by Attimus
how do I team chat or use my mic at all?!!
Swampgirl Inez
Hmm... I could be wrong, but as far as I know, you need Teamspeak or Ventrillo. My guildies and I use a Teamspeak server to talk to each other. I haven't heard of a game-wide voice service yet, but someone might have one set up somewhere.
If you are with a group using one of these, ask them to give you access if they will allow it. Like it was said above, you can download the client for free, running the server part of it costs little bit though.
If you are with a group using one of these, ask them to give you access if they will allow it. Like it was said above, you can download the client for free, running the server part of it costs little bit though.
God yes, get a headset. I used to use speakers and a microphone but unless you live alone its better to use a headphone. It picks up your voice and filters out other sound, and its just easier to use imo. I'd never go back to a stick microphone.
Hell, I have my logitech gamers headset, and then the one I got with Guild Wars CE.
Hell, I have my logitech gamers headset, and then the one I got with Guild Wars CE.