Burned Out?
Krileon Reborn
Not a rant exactly, but i'm starting to feel the burn. Anyone else thing the game doesn't have much to offer after completed? Great game. Loved every minute of it, but kinda seams like bore fest after getting final armor set and best weapon. Unlocked all my ranger skills and almost every item. I am not a powergame mind you, but I manage to get things done in the time I have. I play 3-4 hours a day at most. PvP was fun.. for awhile. Seriously over 200 rounds of Tombs gets boring quickly. I did a bit of GvG and it was quite fun, but saddly my guild lacks members. The community I have to admit is GODLY HORRIBLE tons of 10 year olds running around.
Anyway i'm not really ranting or anything. It is a wonderful game, but mostly curious if anyone else is running into the same problem as me. Just simply running out of things to do that'll keep ya playing. BTW I've also beat Fissure of Woe and Underworld so don't bother suggesting them lol. Yes I managed this fairly easily and no i'm not a powergame. I do have a GF and work and well a life.
So are we faced with the question. Has the game become to easy? I mean for the heck of it I did every mission again and I must say Sanctum Cay is SUPER easy. The wave of mobs seam to no longer come which was the fun part. Sure may lose the mission once or twice, but it was fun and challengeing. Most challenged mission I had was Ring of Fire. Other then that they are all a walk in the park. Seams the game is becomeing easier day by day, because missions are being nerfed from all the little kids complaining it's to damn hard.
Anyone know what the reward system for PvP will be, because if that isn't put in soon I might end up moving on to something else. Game lacks in a few things, but like I said before it's awesome and fun.. for awhile untill you do the same thing hundreds of times in a row.
What I would like to know is how others are reframing from being burnt out on the game? Mind you I did take the game one step at a time and exploited all it had to offer AND did not skip 1 quest. Even changed all secondary professions and di the quests. Did several of the collector item quests. All with only playing 3-4 hours a day. I'm just a very productive person is all. My GF and my best friend are both starting to lose interest aswell as many other players.
Please no flaming. If your gonna be one of them 10 year olds then don't post. Mature responses only please.
Anyway i'm not really ranting or anything. It is a wonderful game, but mostly curious if anyone else is running into the same problem as me. Just simply running out of things to do that'll keep ya playing. BTW I've also beat Fissure of Woe and Underworld so don't bother suggesting them lol. Yes I managed this fairly easily and no i'm not a powergame. I do have a GF and work and well a life.
So are we faced with the question. Has the game become to easy? I mean for the heck of it I did every mission again and I must say Sanctum Cay is SUPER easy. The wave of mobs seam to no longer come which was the fun part. Sure may lose the mission once or twice, but it was fun and challengeing. Most challenged mission I had was Ring of Fire. Other then that they are all a walk in the park. Seams the game is becomeing easier day by day, because missions are being nerfed from all the little kids complaining it's to damn hard.
Anyone know what the reward system for PvP will be, because if that isn't put in soon I might end up moving on to something else. Game lacks in a few things, but like I said before it's awesome and fun.. for awhile untill you do the same thing hundreds of times in a row.
What I would like to know is how others are reframing from being burnt out on the game? Mind you I did take the game one step at a time and exploited all it had to offer AND did not skip 1 quest. Even changed all secondary professions and di the quests. Did several of the collector item quests. All with only playing 3-4 hours a day. I'm just a very productive person is all. My GF and my best friend are both starting to lose interest aswell as many other players.
Please no flaming. If your gonna be one of them 10 year olds then don't post. Mature responses only please.
Tired of PvE, enjoying PvP.
Its a video game, it only has so many hours. No game lasts forever- that's why I hate fined MMOs... ^_^ Play something else for a few days and come back.
Krileon Reborn
It's kinda odd that this is one of the first MMORPGs you can actually.. well.. beat. Once you beat chapter1 we just sit and wait for expansions, but is to keep us sitting around for months on end till new exapansions. I know these 2 new zones sure as heck won't do it unless they are truely a challenge and there is actually a reward worth going for (loot drops are retarded and pointless considering collector equipment is perfected gear.. just throw in upgrades as you find um). I dunno beats me. I'm gonna buy HL2 and played counter-strike source while I wait to see what happens with the game. Me being a level designer I need something to play that I can design for lol. Unreal Tournament maps got boring to make =). I wanna work with that killer HL2 engine! w00t!
I suggest you start an alt. If anything else appeals to you, even slightly, you might find it a very refreshing way to re-do PvE. Or, you could take Krileon's suggestion, and play HL2, which is a truly amazing game.
I don't want to offend anyone but here is a pretty over looked suggestion - go play a sport with some friends. Sure you could video game hop but dominating some one in a sport is 20x the fun of domination in the virtual world.
A little exercise never hurt anything either.
I've got over 200 hours in and I'm still enjoying it. Try creating new challenges for yourself. For example, my second toon has reached Ventari's Refuge so far without running a single mission and using only henchmen. This has certainly been a challenge and had definatley increased the play time required to get this far. There are plenty of things you could do extend the play value of the game.

Krileon Reborn
I've tried a few and did what you did C-Tzar. That was deff a thrill LOL. I made it to Sanctum Cay (going thru black curtan etc and also hitting fishermans haven on the way) prettu much everywhere but desert of course. I'd use ur suggestion Fultz, but thing is i'm not a sports person, but I do exercise an hour a day on my blowflex extreme.. that thing is a beast! Anyway mostly wanna point the fact out.. why should we have to resort the these methods just to get a few more minutes outa the game. Just lookin for other peoples views on the matter. I know outa the several thousand some more people must feel the same way as I do lol.
BTW any of you know if I can play counter-strike source on 56k? After the steam crap on counter-strike it just killed my ability to play.
BTW any of you know if I can play counter-strike source on 56k? After the steam crap on counter-strike it just killed my ability to play.
seeker monk
Well i'm at ring of fire at the moment with my best char (so almost at the end). But i feel already kinda bored. And i don't have fun in making money so i probaply will never own a 15k armor. Its just too much you need for it and i hate to fight so much hours just to get money.
PvP is not that interesting to me and i enjoyed the PvE missions/quests alot more in teamplay with player.
PvP is not that interesting to me and i enjoyed the PvE missions/quests alot more in teamplay with player.
heh, I bought the game like 3 days after it came out, been playing it on and off since then - I work full-time, have family commitments I can't break, etc.. so my time playing is as low as 1 hour a day up to maybe 6 hours a day in a weekend (not hours straight tho..)..
Had the game for over a month? now and I have gotten 1 character finally to the Frontier Gate. LOL Yeah, thats damn slow I know. heh. I'm not bored at all, I'm just taking my time and trying different things and trying to fight with henchies... and doing things the long way - Like going to Fort Ranik to get lvl 6 henchies to do quests in Old Ascalon.. LOL
But for me, the greatest way I've found to not get too burnt out on a compputer game is to just vary what I do. Try playing other games now and again, just to take a break from GW play. You can also take time off to watch a DV or the TV. Basically thats the way I stop the burn out.. just take time off to do other things if I'm feeling a bit too much of a game..
If I play a game for too long, unless it's a brilliant game (there's only 2 game's that I can think of that I played straight from start to finish without ever playing anything else, and spent well over 1,000 hours on each game... heh), I feel total burn-out quite quickly if I play too intensely. Thats why I take breaks to watch a DV or the TV, phone family/friends, play another game, or whatever. Of course, seeing that I work and do other stuff, it does help seeing as all my time isn't just spent playing games.. heh.
as for GW.. I might just finish chapter 1 by the time they bring out the 1st expansion. heh.. who knows since I'm waiting for a few other games to come out to play them... so when they do come out I'll be taking turns playing one and then anpother and so on. really stretch it out and stop the burn-out. heh but I will finish the game sometime! That does keep me going.. I wanna see what happens. heh.
Had the game for over a month? now and I have gotten 1 character finally to the Frontier Gate. LOL Yeah, thats damn slow I know. heh. I'm not bored at all, I'm just taking my time and trying different things and trying to fight with henchies... and doing things the long way - Like going to Fort Ranik to get lvl 6 henchies to do quests in Old Ascalon.. LOL
But for me, the greatest way I've found to not get too burnt out on a compputer game is to just vary what I do. Try playing other games now and again, just to take a break from GW play. You can also take time off to watch a DV or the TV. Basically thats the way I stop the burn out.. just take time off to do other things if I'm feeling a bit too much of a game..
If I play a game for too long, unless it's a brilliant game (there's only 2 game's that I can think of that I played straight from start to finish without ever playing anything else, and spent well over 1,000 hours on each game... heh), I feel total burn-out quite quickly if I play too intensely. Thats why I take breaks to watch a DV or the TV, phone family/friends, play another game, or whatever. Of course, seeing that I work and do other stuff, it does help seeing as all my time isn't just spent playing games.. heh.
as for GW.. I might just finish chapter 1 by the time they bring out the 1st expansion. heh.. who knows since I'm waiting for a few other games to come out to play them... so when they do come out I'll be taking turns playing one and then anpother and so on. really stretch it out and stop the burn-out. heh but I will finish the game sometime! That does keep me going.. I wanna see what happens. heh.
Krileon Reborn
The game really sounds like it's more for people like Kamatsu. I guess i'm not a hardcore gamer, but i'm not a casual gamer. I'm the casual hardcore gamer lol. Well my GF is making me keep playing till we see what happens lol and i'm gonna probably play somethin else on the side. Any suggestions for some really fun RPGS (I don't want any that are super old.. I'm talkin new releases). I meat morrowind otherwise i'd play that heh. Elder Scrolls 4 is comen out w00t w00t. Anyway I might give HL2 a try. I like online play, but may not buy it if my connection can't handle it.
Perishiko ReLLiK
Originally Posted by Krileon Reborn
Not a rant exactly, but i'm starting to feel the burn. Anyone else thing the game doesn't have much to offer after completed? Great game. Loved every minute of it, but kinda seams like bore fest after getting final armor set and best weapon. Unlocked all my ranger skills and almost every item. I am not a powergame mind you, but I manage to get things done in the time I have. I play 3-4 hours a day at most. PvP was fun.. for awhile. Seriously over 200 rounds of Tombs gets boring quickly. I did a bit of GvG and it was quite fun, but saddly my guild lacks members. The community I have to admit is GODLY HORRIBLE tons of 10 year olds running around.
Anyway i'm not really ranting or anything. It is a wonderful game, but mostly curious if anyone else is running into the same problem as me. Just simply running out of things to do that'll keep ya playing. BTW I've also beat Fissure of Woe and Underworld so don't bother suggesting them lol. Yes I managed this fairly easily and no i'm not a powergame. I do have a GF and work and well a life. So are we faced with the question. Has the game become to easy? I mean for the heck of it I did every mission again and I must say Sanctum Cay is SUPER easy. The wave of mobs seam to no longer come which was the fun part. Sure may lose the mission once or twice, but it was fun and challengeing. Most challenged mission I had was Ring of Fire. Other then that they are all a walk in the park. Seams the game is becomeing easier day by day, because missions are being nerfed from all the little kids complaining it's to damn hard. Anyone know what the reward system for PvP will be, because if that isn't put in soon I might end up moving on to something else. Game lacks in a few things, but like I said before it's awesome and fun.. for awhile untill you do the same thing hundreds of times in a row. What I would like to know is how others are reframing from being burnt out on the game? Mind you I did take the game one step at a time and exploited all it had to offer AND did not skip 1 quest. Even changed all secondary professions and di the quests. Did several of the collector item quests. All with only playing 3-4 hours a day. I'm just a very productive person is all. My GF and my best friend are both starting to lose interest aswell as many other players. Please no flaming. If your gonna be one of them 10 year olds then don't post. Mature responses only please. |
Gotta love having free updates, and free area's... with no monthly fee... i don't know how they plan on running things smoothly in the long run, but heh, i love the game right now...
i've gotten burned out on pve... but im still loving the pvp... Tombs is kind of annoying me, all the good players want "ONLY" Vent/ts... and well... i don't like hearing these kids with their screechy voices, and i don't like the constant static/breathing noises... just because someone refuses to turn their nobs on a bit less sensative...
Oh well, i also love the 4v4 randoms... its fun seeing how different combo's can be beaten... *Rangers are so under-estimated*... so are necro's for that matter... but meh, that's why you have guilds...
I just find it kind of funny... because a team with a necro/mes/ranger, with no elementalists... can do just fine dmg wise... and you could even add an elementalists and use Four monks, that's right, im going outside of the three monk only issue, and saying that four monks, three healing, one Pure protection, with a necro/mes/ranger/ele can Beat all, and no... you don't need a warrior, but you can substitute that ele for a nice wa/anything...
I did get burned out, but I took off about 5 days from playing and came back. It was nice and refreshing, was able to finish the game and im starting to play more PVP now.
Krileon Reborn
I may start up modding for Elder Scrolls 4 when it's released. I don't exactly plan to pay a monthly bill seeing any MMORPG i've payed monthly for never has what keeps me playing. I like content, but not over-whelming amounts like in EQ2 and then GW's just lacks content. I'm a medium. They need to address the mediums too! Anyway I guess i'll be moving back to single players or maybe even consider a modding team for Neverwinter Nights 2. I like the dungeons and dragons aspect and yes i've looked at D&D Online, but IMHO it's a discrase to D&D. I dunno. I'll wait a bit and see what happens heh.
BTW if your wondering why I like modding. I am a highly experienced level designer. Working with Maya Unlimited 6.01 aswell as in-house tools such as the unreal editor.
BTW if your wondering why I like modding. I am a highly experienced level designer. Working with Maya Unlimited 6.01 aswell as in-house tools such as the unreal editor.
I wish there was a way to mod this game...I'd love to create a new area. =/
How did you unlock every Superior rune in 200 hours of game play? Someone tell me the secret. Where do Superior runes drop? I can't even find one. Hell, I've only found 1 Major rune, and I'm pretty close to completion (Abbadon's Mouth).
Krileon, I'm not trying to flame you or anything, but there are at LEAST 2 other very long threads with almost the EXACT same title, one of which talks bad about the game. I came in giving you the benefit of the doubt and your post was fairly intelligent but does that kind of knee jerk reaction really surprise you. There are many other rude people on the forums that would simple say, if your really interested in the topic "The search button.. use it" I personally would never say something like that.
On to the topic, as meny people have said before, video games have a shelf life, none last forever. If your done with this one maybe its time to move on to something that is new and refreshing for you. As there is no monthly fee you can very easily not even think about this game except to check every month or so for new areas to be added. Much like many people did with NwN. Maybe try some PvP. Whatever you deside I wish you the best of luck
On to the topic, as meny people have said before, video games have a shelf life, none last forever. If your done with this one maybe its time to move on to something that is new and refreshing for you. As there is no monthly fee you can very easily not even think about this game except to check every month or so for new areas to be added. Much like many people did with NwN. Maybe try some PvP. Whatever you deside I wish you the best of luck

Well, the game is 50 dollars, and it lasted you over 200 hours, which IMO is a pretty good deal considering how short games are nowadays *cough* God of War *cough*
Krileon Reborn
Aaa ok Corwin I understand now. Thanks for clearing that up and I appologize if I came off a bit to strong hehe.
God of War was short? Dang havn't even played it yet. Looks so cool lol. Ya they need to make more long lasting games like Morrowind. I mean the graphics won't blow you away or anything, but it made me feel like I was apart of the game the way every action I made changed the world around me and how people reacted to me. I'm really lookin forward to Elder Scrolls 4.
Also for the runes part. They are pretty easy to get, but I find that undead drop them fairly often aswell as giants and trolls.
God of War was short? Dang havn't even played it yet. Looks so cool lol. Ya they need to make more long lasting games like Morrowind. I mean the graphics won't blow you away or anything, but it made me feel like I was apart of the game the way every action I made changed the world around me and how people reacted to me. I'm really lookin forward to Elder Scrolls 4.
Also for the runes part. They are pretty easy to get, but I find that undead drop them fairly often aswell as giants and trolls.
What EAs were you exploring to get the runes? I haven't seen high level undead. Wish I could find some, considering I'm a monk and do holy damage.
Krileon Reborn
The enchanted guys are considered undead I believe, but those are what I farm. If they arn't undead then sorry on calling them that lol. Anyway heres the zones and mobs I farm:
BTW the classes listed above the mobs is what I generally got from the mob, BUT they do seam to drop a little of something for every class. Just I put what is more common from them IMO.
Drakes - Right Outside Elona Reach (Diviner's Ascend); Also Divinity Coast; I don't farm Kryta, cuz it sucks.
Giants - South Zone to Arid Sea in Vulture Drifts (Careful running there sometimes wurms like to pop up and the giants can plague touch so becareful with conditions)
Undead - Right Outside Dunes of Dispair (Vulture Drifts)
Griffons - Right Outside Camp Rankor (Snake Dance)
Grawl - Right Outside Port Sledge (Witman's Folly)
White Mantle - Riverside Mission
Avicara - Right Outside Droknar's Forge (Talus Chute)
Mountain Trolls - Go Outside Droknar's Forge (Talus Chute) and follow the LEFT wall untill you reach a cave. There are several trolls there. Be warned they all come at once.
Mursaat - Ring of Fire Mission
Ettin's - Divinity Coast Mission
Flesh Golems - Outside Ember Light Camp (Perdition Rock) and follow to the RIGHT.
(can't remember name) - Outside of Seeker's Passage (Salt Falts). Them flying dudes.
Azure Shadows - Outside Copperhammer Mines (Frozen Forest)
Thats just a few, but not really in a mood to type it all out. Atleast that'll give you an idea lol. BTW I have 3 full characters of items so ya they are all maxed things as well.. mostly yellows/purples/oranges. Anyway.. enjoy
BTW the classes listed above the mobs is what I generally got from the mob, BUT they do seam to drop a little of something for every class. Just I put what is more common from them IMO.
Drakes - Right Outside Elona Reach (Diviner's Ascend); Also Divinity Coast; I don't farm Kryta, cuz it sucks.
Giants - South Zone to Arid Sea in Vulture Drifts (Careful running there sometimes wurms like to pop up and the giants can plague touch so becareful with conditions)
Undead - Right Outside Dunes of Dispair (Vulture Drifts)
Griffons - Right Outside Camp Rankor (Snake Dance)
Grawl - Right Outside Port Sledge (Witman's Folly)
White Mantle - Riverside Mission
Avicara - Right Outside Droknar's Forge (Talus Chute)
Mountain Trolls - Go Outside Droknar's Forge (Talus Chute) and follow the LEFT wall untill you reach a cave. There are several trolls there. Be warned they all come at once.
Mursaat - Ring of Fire Mission
Ettin's - Divinity Coast Mission
Flesh Golems - Outside Ember Light Camp (Perdition Rock) and follow to the RIGHT.
(can't remember name) - Outside of Seeker's Passage (Salt Falts). Them flying dudes.
Azure Shadows - Outside Copperhammer Mines (Frozen Forest)
Thats just a few, but not really in a mood to type it all out. Atleast that'll give you an idea lol. BTW I have 3 full characters of items so ya they are all maxed things as well.. mostly yellows/purples/oranges. Anyway.. enjoy
Krileon, I'm not sure what you're looking for when you say "answers". You've proclaimed that you've done everything there is to do in the game and that now you're bored.....there's little anyone could say except to validate your boredom with "boring" stories of their own.
There is no new way to play Guild Wars that will alleviate your boredom if playing Guild Wars is exactly what's causing the boredom. I'm afraid your "answer" does not exist unless you can somehow solve the circular logic predicament you find yourself in.
There is no new way to play Guild Wars that will alleviate your boredom if playing Guild Wars is exactly what's causing the boredom. I'm afraid your "answer" does not exist unless you can somehow solve the circular logic predicament you find yourself in.
Krileon Reborn
Fancy words.. Well anyway when I say seeking answers as in seeking answers to the question is anyone feeling the same. I took a big break today (havn't played at all) and i'll see how well my interest is once I jump back in. My 18th birthday is comen up so thats 100 easy bucks I can blow off on another game or two if I lose interest.
BTW Does anyone know if Counter-Strike Source or HL2 can be played on 56k modem for online gaming? I've asked this more then once, but hopefully someone will know lol.
Laterz! Have fun gaming!
BTW Does anyone know if Counter-Strike Source or HL2 can be played on 56k modem for online gaming? I've asked this more then once, but hopefully someone will know lol.
Laterz! Have fun gaming!
Wel u can , but dont know if it wil be fun with almost everybody having dsl/cable etc

Krileon Reborn
LOL ya thats a good point. I'd piss um off skipping all over the place LMAO.. Well atleast i'd be "the one" me and my matrix bullet dodging skills (aka lag fest) lmfao
Krileon Reborn
Well looks like i'll buy HL2 for my birthday then get Battlefield 2 when it comes out during June. I'll jsut play all 3 when I get bored of 1 i'll move on. Sounds like a plan =)