I don't quite understand how Irresistible Blow works.
If Irresistible Blow is blocked, your target is knocked down and takes 1-24 damage. Irresistble Blow cannot be "blocked" or "evaded".
How can it get blocked since it can't be blocked?
Irresistible Blow
They used the words blocked or evaded vaguely, it's suppose to mean that if they normally would block it (block the regular damage), they still are knocked down and take "fall" damage, I believe that's right...But dont hold me to it.
Yes, I think it means if you would have normally blocked or evaded the attack you will now be knocked down and take 1-24 damage instead of what you would normally expect to happen if you blocked or evaded.
It seems to replace "normal" damage with 1-24 damage when a block event would have occured.