ok can someone explain to me what these mean? and what is the dirrence between the 2?
1) For 36-55 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 30% of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Earth Magic
2) For 60 seconds, you are healed for 152-350% of the energy cost each time you cast a spell
i have used these and dont seem to regenrate any energy faster? so im not understanding the terminoligy in them?
looking for more help :(
Shmash Witdaclub
As for #2 what if you have that spell casted on yourself each time you cast a spell, lets a one that costs 5 mana - then at 152% you would be healed for roughly 7.5 health points. Basically keep casting spells when you have this buff on because you will keep getting healed with each cast.
And for #1 - I believe each time you would cast an Earth line spelll if you have this buff on the spell would cost you 30% less mana to cast it.
Hope this helps
And for #1 - I believe each time you would cast an Earth line spelll if you have this buff on the spell would cost you 30% less mana to cast it.
Hope this helps
In the first case, you are probably not "gaining" back the energy used for the earth spell; you probably are just not using that 30%. That's a guess.
In the second case, you are being *healed* in proportion to energy used. Heal points are not energy points.
Hope this helps.
In the second case, you are being *healed* in proportion to energy used. Heal points are not energy points.
Hope this helps.
to my understanding, i guess #1 means you would get back 30% of the ENERGY COST of that spell.. let's say the spell costs 10 energy, you get back 3 (30% of 10) after the spell... so you're not regenerating, but you use less energy.
Fye Duron
Okay here is how it works first You cast a earth spell like "after shock" which cost 10, then because of the first part you gain 3 energy back. Then you gain 15.2 to 35 life.
can someone give me a formula for each enchantment?
becasue if i cast something that cost 15 energy with the enchanment that reduces this cost by 30% well thats would save me 4.5 energy points and make the casting cost really be 11.5? is this correct?
becasue if i cast something that cost 15 energy with the enchanment that reduces this cost by 30% well thats would save me 4.5 energy points and make the casting cost really be 11.5? is this correct?
- energy cost + (energy cost * 30%)
so with energy cost 15: -15+4.5= -10.5 not 11.5
and this equals to 70% of 15
so with energy cost 15: -15+4.5= -10.5 not 11.5
and this equals to 70% of 15
Well by the wording of the first spell, it doesn't necessarily reduce the cost. If the spell costs 15 energy to cast, then you must have that 15 energy to cast it, but once you have, you get 5 energy back. So in other words, you can't cast the spell that costs 15 with only 10 energy.
Fye Duron
You need to pay the 15 first then you get the 4.5 back. It is a refund not a reduction.
thanks for the info guys. im a elemental/monk and when it comes time to change the 2nd proff im goign to drop monk. my last question is there a proffession that can regenerate energy faster?
sorry for the misleading info.. i meant you can calculate it as a reduction, but it's actually a refund... thx for the clarification