I would just like to add how great of a thing this was. I'm assuming that there were quite a few people that tried to do this, and I'm also assuming that they did pretty much what I did. I got my guild all together, and we all talked about the contest, and helped out. We went exploring all over, each took the areas that we narrowed the screenshots down to, and then finally we got all of them! We had a blast going around exploring, and figuring stuff out like this as a guild.
Thanks for hosting this contest, and I hope to see more stuff like this in the future, perhaps different challanges, and different rewards. It definately lightens up the community a bit. (which is well needed, by the way)
May the best explorer win!
EDIT: wow, I just realised while going over my draft that I never included my screenname or in-game name in my entry. If anyone of authority reads this, the entry submitted from [email protected] belongs to me.