Wat does everyone think to the ability to change the guild name. maybe if the creator of the guild or an officer thinks the guild could benefit from a change of name they can start a vote to see if most aggree to the suggestion and if the vote reaches maybe 75% or more the guild name can change to the suggested name.
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Apr 2005
Guild of Night
01 Jun 2005 at 20:30 - 2
Nah...People need to really think about naming or making a guild before they just do it.
Desert Nomad
Join Date: May 2005
Awaiting GW2
01 Jun 2005 at 21:36 - 3
Originally Posted by The IOU
Nah...People need to really think about naming or making a guild before they just do it.
Agreed. Next time (if there is a next time), they should put more thought into it