Probably the thing that bugs me the most is random people inviting you to join their team in the coop mission spots, without asking first

Swampgirl Inez
Originally Posted by Funkinmofo
People who draw on the radar map for fun while you are in missions where it is being used for tactical reasons.
Originally Posted by Funkinmofo
People who draw on the radar map for fun while you are in missions where it is being used for tactical reasons.
Rahne Sinclaire
Originally Posted by Rahne Sinclaire
I hate when people use "gay" as an insult.
Originally Posted by Kershent
It bothers me when people think the insult "gay" means "homosexual."
Originally Posted by Kershent
The insult gay just means "crappy." It's slang.
Old Dood
Originally Posted by D_Advocate
I admit that I am guilty of drawing on the map from time to time. In my defense though, I only do it at the end of the missions where I know there is no danger of us getting mobbed.
![]() My personal pet peeve is people who drop in the middle of a mission after they've died one time, because of their own stupidity. And because of their own short comings, they in turn punish the group by dropping when they're needed most. Nothing like a fair weather MMORPG Gamer.... ![]() |
Originally Posted by ihmurria
What really bugs you in this game, or with other people in this game?
Originally Posted by Kershent
It bothers me when people think the insult "gay" means "homosexual." The insult gay just means "crappy." It's slang.
Originally Posted by C-Tzar
The term homophobic bothers me. Calling somebody afraid just because they don't like something (for whatever reason) is straight out of the kindergarten playground. Ridiculous.
NOTE: I do not fear, hate, like, or give a damn about gays, completely indifferent. |
Homophobia, from G. 'like' literally means "fear of the same," however the term "homo" as a reference to homosexuals was used in the creation of the word. It is a term which is interpreted differently by different people. The two main associated concepts are: 1. Prejudice against homosexuals or LGBT people in general. 2. fear of homosexuality (and possibly associated avoidance of exposure to homosexuals or related materials and situations). |
Gay: When used as an adjective not describing a person who is part of the gay community, (e.g. "that hat is so gay"), the term "gay" is purely pejorative and deeply offensive. The derogatory implication is that the object (or person) in question is inferior, weak, effeminate, or just stupid. This usage is common among young people who may not link the term to homosexuality, much as some people may not link the term "Jew down" (to be talked down in price) to Jewish people, or "I was gypped" (I was cheated) to Gypsies. Many people, including many who identify as homosexual, use the word in the pejorative sense and consider it unrelated to sexual orientation. The inherent homophobia or lack thereof which is ascribed to the word seems to vary greatly between individual small communities and social circles. It may also be used in a pejorative slang sense without merely pragmatic semantics to describe something that is considered overly bright, colourful and/or festive (esp. girlish). Other spellings, "ghey" and "ghei", are sometimes found on the Internet and are supposedly used either to insult without reference to homosexuality or to bypass chat room censors. |
Originally Posted by Rahne Sinclaire
I hate when people use "gay" as an insult.
Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
Actually, a phobia is only an excessive or irrational fear of something. So all those people who say "phobic this" or "phobic that" need to learn the meaning of the suffix...
Main Entry: -phobic Function: adjective combining form Etymology: French -phobique, from Late Latin -phobicus, from Greek -phobikos, from -phobia Meaning: 1 a: having an intolerance or aversion for <photophobic> <Anglophobic> b: exhibiting a phobia for <claustrophobic> 2: lacking affinity for <hydrophobic> |