Minor rune of vigor no longer working??
Pandora's box
I have used a minor rune of vigor (+30 health) several times in my monks sandals. It always worked fine until today. When I applied them to a new pair of sandals my health did not change anymore. When I take off the sandals it does not decrease, and when I put them on it does not increase. Cant figure out why.
I'm level 19 btw.

I'm going to take a stab and say that you already have a rune of vigor on a different piece of armor. You can only use one rune of any type, so only 1 vigor rune on your character at a time.
The highest rune trumps the others, but since you are talking about a minor, any vigor rune will either match or trump it.
The highest rune trumps the others, but since you are talking about a minor, any vigor rune will either match or trump it.
Pandora's box
You are right, forgot about that
