Attribute points: why are they stuck? Is this normal?
Well, I was about to fight my mirror in the crystal desert, so I thought "I know, I'll turn all my attribute points down!" so I tried it. To my amazement, they stopped at about 5 when I was turning them down, then when I tried to take them back up, that's when it happened. All of the arrows to increase or decrease my attribute points went dark (as in, you can't click them anymore) and I couldn't change them anymore. Now I have two of my attributes stuck at 12, another at 5 and so on. Is this suppost to happen, or do I have a bug?
It looks like you ran out of refund points. You only have 24 refund points. Try killing some monsters and filling them back up.
Okay, thanks, I'll be back if it doesn't work though! Heh.
ya every 250xp points you get you get one refund point
By the way, when you face your mirrior, he is level 20 and, no matter what, maxed out attributes on all possible, so lowering yours wont help much
sorry to mess up your planning
By the way, when you face your mirrior, he is level 20 and, no matter what, maxed out attributes on all possible, so lowering yours wont help much
sorry to mess up your planning