Aussie pre-order item?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


I just received my pre-order package from (Great service too! It's only been 1 day since I ordered, and the postage was free! No box though ), and I've been wondering what my pre-order item will be. I've seen nothing on the GW official site about it. The info in my package simply says i get an "Exclusive in-game weapon". I guess that rules out the European prism.
Anyone know what I'll get?



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by spiritofcat
I just received my pre-order package from (Great service too! It's only been 1 day since I ordered, and the postage was free! No box though ), and I've been wondering what my pre-order item will be. I've seen nothing on the GW official site about it. The info in my package simply says i get an "Exclusive in-game weapon". I guess that rules out the European prism.
Anyone know what I'll get?
I wouldn't rule it out just because it says "Exclusive in-game weapon."

If I had to take a wild guess, I would say that it'll be the icon.. from the "others" category of retailers as it's not specifically listed as a retailer.

But this just reminds me of how much I want that prism! If only for the fact that it's a prism! A pretty crystal!

Alex Weekes

Alex Weekes

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Brighton, UK

It could be anything ... There isn't an official Australian item because there isn't an official Australian preorder at the moment (we're still working on it!). The preorder you've obtained is the US box and will have one of the US items. Most likely it will be the Censor's Icon, but that depends on where Games Market obtained the boxes from.

While I'm here, I can let you know that we're very close to finalising a deal for making Guild Wars available in Australia.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Alex Weekes

While I'm here, I can let you know that we're very close to finalising a deal for making Guild Wars available in Australia.
good because i am working on an aussie who is a wow fanatic and is going to make his wife very lonely for the next beta in april