Thinking of Preordering



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Im thinking of pre-ordering. The game looks amazing but im not to sure how it plays. Is it like FF 11, WoW and Runescape? Also i want to learn the skills in the game, is there fishing, mining, potion making? Can i beta test it somewhere without buying the game? Where can i learn more?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


Last year there were two free worldwide preview events.
There are Beta Weekend Events each month for people who have preordered, and anyone who has preordered is also given a 'friend key' which allows one other person to play in one BWE.
So your best option is to find someone with a spare friend key, or preorder and play the april BWE and if you don't like it, cancel your order and lose your $10 deposit or whatever it was.

As to what the game is like and where to get info about it, is a good place to start. It has some info and links to all the major fansites.



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by Epiph
Im thinking of pre-ordering. The game looks amazing but im not to sure how it plays. Is it like FF 11, WoW and Runescape? Also i want to learn the skills in the game, is there fishing, mining, potion making? Can i beta test it somewhere without buying the game? Where can i learn more?
Don't think, just do.

But joking aside, if you want another FF11, WoW and/or Runescape, you'll be severly disappointed. Along that line, if you can't live without miniskills like fishing, mining, potion making, woodcutting, carpenter 101, harvesting, gem-cutting, "I'm-going-to-throw-my-computer-out-the-window-because-of-pointless-obvious-mindnumbing-timesinks-like-these" skills, then no, GW is definitely not your game.

The whole basis of the game is to reduce grind.. not to bring more in.. and those miniskills that try to imitate real life (and merely pose as a thin excuse to make you waste more time so that consequently, you waste more money) has absolutely no place in Guild Wars. The pace is much too fast for that. If you want a second life away from real life, where you can sink entirely into the game and basically have a second career, second set of "life skills," as well as a place that demands as much time as real life does.. WoW would be a much better choice. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but GW and WoW have very different aims in what they want to give to their audience.

GW also has a level 20 cap. If any person reading this happens to love grind, and feels a heart attack slipping in, take a deep breath, and use the "search" button to read the twenty or so threads about the level cap -- that same old tired topic beaten to death each time by a blunt cudgel, of course.

As for not paying for beta, you can hope that someone will give you a free friends key for the next BWE, or you can just throw out $5 in EBgames, or $10 anywhere else for a preorder.

Finally, for your last question, you can read from beginning to end, starting with the entire FAQ. Then, you can read the BWE section of the website.. and also that FAQ in its entirety. After that, feel free to hop back here to GWGuru and take a look at the New Players Center. There's a link off the GWGuru main page.

Ah, it's a brave new world.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Thanks alot. I do like skills but i can live without them. The more and more i read about this game it gets better and better. I think i might just preorder the game tomorow. If i preorder, do i get to play right away or do i have to wait.

Ren Falconhand

Ren Falconhand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Passed out on my Keyboard from lack of sleep from playing GW too much

The Harpers


you will have to wait till April 15 like all of us. That is the next BWE your pre-order code should let you join in at that time.




Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by Epiph
Thanks alot. I do like skills but i can live without them. The more and more i read about this game it gets better and better. I think i might just preorder the game tomorow. If i preorder, do i get to play right away or do i have to wait.
Welcome to Guild Wars, then.

Like Ren said, the next Beta Weekend Event, which is open to the preordering public, starts on April 15th, bright and early. Some people actually operate on 6 hours of sleep that entire weekend.. But, of course, release is only a month away.. so we're getting close!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Agency Of Forbidden Fruits [Oot]


Originally Posted by Epiph
Thanks alot. I do like skills but i can live without them. The more and more i read about this game it gets better and better. I think i might just preorder the game tomorow. If i preorder, do i get to play right away or do i have to wait.
Negative, you have to wait till april 15th. And you can play till the end of the 17th.

Some regions get to play tommarow because there servers were not working, or some other technical detail, when the march beta was in place.

Secondly you should go check out Kiwi's video library or whatever he calls it. Its a post in the Riverside Inn forums. Watch the 3 GVG videos if you wanto see how PVP works, or if you just wanto see the fighting. And the TOOSEXY video if you want to see a quality video of some action and what people do for fun. It also shows off alot of dance moves.

You might also want to check out the guides on this site, they help you understand how professions work.

You dont have to rush preordering, one thing you always do before bustin 50 bucks on a game, is make sure its one you would stick with.

I missed the March BWE event because i took my time, but that could be a good thing, I wouldnt have to go pester everyone to get answers.

Of coarse if your going to preorder i wouldnt suggest missing the last BWE that would defeat the purpose pretty much, cept you can get the Ithas Bow and other stuff.

In summary, Study the game, watch some videos, Preorder to were it would arive before april 15th.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


Originally Posted by DarkWasp
Of coarse if your going to preorder i wouldnt suggest missing the last BWE that would defeat the purpose pretty much, cept you can get the Ithas Bow and other stuff.
And of course you get to start playing on the 27th, not the 28th if you've preordered.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Thanks guys. What about the special item. Where is the best place to preorder if i want to become a ranger? EB?



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

EB has the Ithas Bow, but you should really just preorder at the most convenient store near you. The preorder item is not going to be something you will be using for a long period of time and you will likely try other professions and may find something else that suits you better.