I've tried using the Rune of Holding on my 5 spaces Belt Pouch and I had an error message similar to this:
You can use this item only on bags.
Why? Isn't the Belt Pouch a bag?!
Rune of Holding Troubles
you cant use the rune of holding on belt pouches. only bags
digital sunshine
Meaning that, if you don't have them already, you'll get exapansions to your inventory that are actually called "Bags." While a Belt Pouch might be a bag in the literal yeah-its-a-container-that-holds-stuff definition of the word, you can only use the Rune of Holding on the items that are actually called "Bag" in their name.
Since I'm little short on gold right now, Do you recommend me to sell back the rune for half the price? or just keep it for when I'll get the bags?
Are they easily obtainable?
Are they easily obtainable?
Harlas Kije
Originally Posted by Caimbeul
Since I'm little short on gold right now, Do you recommend me to sell back the rune for half the price? or just keep it for when I'll get the bags?
Are they easily obtainable? |
I would save it--unless you find someone to buy it from you for the same price you bought it from a merchant. The merchant will only give you 50% for it. the bag merchant is not far from the rune of holding merchant.
I think the bags cost 500gold also might be 400--but it is only a 5 slot container. pop the rune in it and you will have an extra 5 slots.
trust me--500 gold will not be too hard to get--just grab a few henchman and explore for an hour or 2-grab everything that drops for you--salvage if you want and sell to merchants. It will add up and you will have the money you need. Don't worry too much about risk--since you are just trying to raise 500 gold.
Also--since you have limited space--get a storage vault from the Agent merchant in OA-put your rune of holding in it and any items you WANT to keep (craft materials or other items like that) This wil free p some slots so you do not run out of room.
Originally Posted by Caimbeul
Since I'm little short on gold right now, Do you recommend me to sell back the rune for half the price? or just keep it for when I'll get the bags?
Are they easily obtainable? |

as an fyi you cannot or at least last week you couldnt trade bags to another a player(tested this by trying to give a guildy bags as soon as he crossed over)...you can place the rune in your vault for another char later on, bags can be purchased at the frontier gate in ascalon.