Some questions
Like what else do you do in Guild Wars than fighting? I'm a bit afraid that GW is like Dungeon Siege or Diablo. Run from place to place, collect better items and kill everything moving. I haven't tried Beta version, but I'd like to have answers for these questions.
Thank you
Thank you
GW has quests,missions and competitive pvp and gvg action.GW is also a pve game as well.GW unlike other games of similar makeup gets rid of the numb wracking grind.GW focuses more on fun than just getting xp and items.
Originally Posted by Spylate
Like what else do you do in Guild Wars than fighting? I'm a bit afraid that GW is like Dungeon Siege or Diablo. Run from place to place, collect better items and kill everything moving. I haven't tried Beta version, but I'd like to have answers for these questions.
Thank you |
It's all about killing stuff alone or in teams.
I really liked Diablo 2 though, so that's not a problem to me.
It's not exactly like Diablo and Dungeon Siege though. Although it is focused almost entirely on fighting, it's not just grind to get better weapons and then beat up people weaker than you, it's concerned mostly with skill and tactics.
It's often compared to Magic The Gathering in the way the skill system works.
I mean things like woodcutting and fishing or something like that?
O and future expansions will add content as well as time goes by.More missions,quests and prolly more pvp options.
Originally Posted by Spylate
I mean things like woodcutting and fishing or something like that?
Originally Posted by Spylate
I mean things like woodcutting and fishing or something like that?
It's amazing what no monthy fees can do to a reputation of a game.
Thanks, this solved the problem
Originally Posted by Allmightybob
It's amazing what no monthy fees can do to a reputation of a game.
*it makes me feel*

Luke Fatality
I know how to do everything in diablo 2 so do you think it will take me a while to learn how to work everything in this game ?
I hadn't played any MMO's before and I learned in about 10 minutes of playing.
Well lets face it . .. theres always a learning curve when it comes to trying a new game. I was able to learn quite a few things after playing in my first BWE, Like ' When is this game coming out?!?! Quit Teasing me!! I got let go from my last job and I need some entertainment!!!
My daydreams soon were a reality as they announced the release date shortly after my first BWE. I was in this last BWE and well I learn more every BWE. Theres a lot of spells/ items. And tailoring your character is half the battle of the game. The other 1/4 is the adventuring and questing and missions, and the other 1/4 is PVP.. guild against guild events .. player vs. player events. What more could you ask ... well . the fact that theres no monthly fee sure makes it better to me.
ok.. so I'm going thru a bit of GW withdrawl.. get over it.
My daydreams soon were a reality as they announced the release date shortly after my first BWE. I was in this last BWE and well I learn more every BWE. Theres a lot of spells/ items. And tailoring your character is half the battle of the game. The other 1/4 is the adventuring and questing and missions, and the other 1/4 is PVP.. guild against guild events .. player vs. player events. What more could you ask ... well . the fact that theres no monthly fee sure makes it better to me.
ok.. so I'm going thru a bit of GW withdrawl.. get over it.
These boards help with the Guild Wars Withdrawal a lot. Also help me be more prepared for the next week-end.
Originally Posted by spiritofcat
Essentially you could consider Guild Wars to be Diablo 3.
If any of you are hoping for another Diablo, you'll be disappointed.
Lets just throw this out for once and for all..

You basically need a new way of thinking (grind is unnecessary vs. the "Grind Is My Life!" mentality of other MMOs, level doesn't mean anything vs. the "I'm level 1000 and I'll be UBER powerful as long as I play 50000 more hours than you!", etc). So, don't think of this as Diablo 3. I almost choked. Take the merits of this game as it stands by itself -- not as some follower in that long train of famous, but pretty much extremely similar MMOs operating in that same mindset of "grind grind grind = my gaming life."
Do some research. Throw out any past preconceptions. You'll be fine, once you think about what you really want in a game, rather than what you're used to in a game.
Also dont forget the name of the game is Guild Wars and that is one of the main focuses of the game ... guild vs guild combat. Its not just called that for a cool sounding name. If your looking for a game where you can level endlessly and take up a fishing profession, grow plants, mine ore to smelt into ingots, chop wood or anything of the sort then this game isnt for you. Its main focus is on PvE and PvP combat.
- Iczer
- Iczer
Originally Posted by Aria
Do some research. Throw out any past preconceptions. You'll be fine, once you think about what you really want in a game, rather than what you're used to in a game. |
I posted this link a few places and apologize to people who read it already however Spylate might get a benefit from it, post #10 at the following link
Aria, thank you so much for your posts
It's refreshing to see an assault on being complacent to accept what your given to the point your used to and thus expect a pattern that is unnecessary and likely long overdue for dis-integration.
Aria, thank you so much for your posts


The assumption that Guild Wars is a PvP-only sort of game is stupid. There is tons to do and even if all the content we got was what we've seen in the betas, It would easily occupy my mind for several weeks. Besides the missions, which you have many possibilities and choices in rather than it being an unpersonal story line that everyone sees, there are Explorable Areas that you can travel through for hours and never see everything! Can't pass the Gates of Kryta mission? Screw it. I took the EA and went around it. Explorable Areas have nothing to do with missions so it's more of an exploration. You can do whatever you want unlike in missions in which you sometimes end up having to follow Rurik around (loved it when he got beheaded!). There are even weird quests in the Explorable Areas such as the Glarath Quest (supposedly impossible... keep it that way... more fun) in which you get to go from the Temple of Ages into the heart of mobs of undead creatures.
Besides the huge amount of PvE content in the game, even without considering that aquiring of rare and powerful items to make your character even better, there is nearly endless options in PvP. You can spend days at a time playing in the Tombs and never have the same-old-thing kind of battle. PvP is extremely competitive because the level cap is 20 and it takes a person to think strategically to win. And there are more perks than just rank to winning that we haven't even seen yet. With PvP-only characters (who's items and skills can be unlocked by your RPG characters), there is no "treadmill" to run just to try a new build. If you have unlocked all the necissary stuff, all you have to do is make a character and he will have everything you want instantly and painlessly!
This game is well worth the 5 bucks for a look. And you'll probably end up buying the game so you'll get that 5 bucks deducted from the final purchase.
Besides the huge amount of PvE content in the game, even without considering that aquiring of rare and powerful items to make your character even better, there is nearly endless options in PvP. You can spend days at a time playing in the Tombs and never have the same-old-thing kind of battle. PvP is extremely competitive because the level cap is 20 and it takes a person to think strategically to win. And there are more perks than just rank to winning that we haven't even seen yet. With PvP-only characters (who's items and skills can be unlocked by your RPG characters), there is no "treadmill" to run just to try a new build. If you have unlocked all the necissary stuff, all you have to do is make a character and he will have everything you want instantly and painlessly!
This game is well worth the 5 bucks for a look. And you'll probably end up buying the game so you'll get that 5 bucks deducted from the final purchase.
Originally Posted by Jeanette
I hadn't played any MMO's before and I learned in about 10 minutes of playing.