Word of Healing does not work as it is described.
Heal target other ally for 16-67 points. Heal for an additional 15-83 points if that ally is below 50% health
In my experience, it works basically from beloew 30% health. Moreover, it doesn't work all the time; sometimes when you try to constantly spam word of healing on an ally with less than 30% health, it works maybe 5/8 times.
Is this a glitch or a wrong description?
Word of Healing: Lies??
Keira Darkwind
hm, I just got this skill tonight and it seems to work as described for me so far....
Originally Posted by sohl
Word of Healing does not work as it is described.
Heal target other ally for 16-67 points. Heal for an additional 15-83 points if that ally is below 50% health In my experience, it works basically from beloew 30% health. Moreover, it doesn't work all the time; sometimes when you try to constantly spam word of healing on an ally with less than 30% health, it works maybe 5/8 times. Is this a glitch or a wrong description? |
I have used this skill for weeks and have not had an issue with it. It is my elite skill in almost every PvE encounter.
Know this much about it... it figures the heal based on the EXACT moment you press the button, not when it is cast.
SO... if the person had, say 60% health when you started casting, and when it actually fired (takes like a second or 2), the person was down to 40%, it still only heals at the basic rate. I must be under 50% when you begin casting.
Know this much about it... it figures the heal based on the EXACT moment you press the button, not when it is cast.
SO... if the person had, say 60% health when you started casting, and when it actually fired (takes like a second or 2), the person was down to 40%, it still only heals at the basic rate. I must be under 50% when you begin casting.
Also note that your Divine Favour bonus is applied before WoH calculates whether it should apply. So if you DF heals for 40Health, to get the bonus healing, the target need be be < 50% - 40 for the bonus to trigger.