Luke Fatality

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005


aRE MEssmers good characters and what would be the best secondary profession if i was to be a mesmer



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


Kansas City Hotsteppers [KCHS]

Assuming this isn't a joke thread, and I'm not going to get laughed at for participating... yes, Mesmers are good characters. They're a reactive class, and for the most part rely on letting the enemy make their move and then countering it. Be it making spells backfire, interrupting casts or draining energy, the Mesmer is a force to be feared. They're spellcasters, and rely heavily on hexes. As for secondary professions, every class is a viable secondary, no matter what your primary. Just pick one that you like, gameplay-wise, or pick one that has skills you think will complement your Mesmer abilities best.

You're on the Guild Wars Guru forums... try reading the site to find this stuff out. And if you need ideas for builds (pansy), try The Campfire section of the forums or look at the Gurus' Builds Directory.

Luke Fatality

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005


Well I was thinking either necro but can you still resurrect dead minions if its a second profession btw how would a ranger go with this


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Army of Fairies


Originally Posted by Luke Fatality
aRE MEssmers good characters and what would be the best secondary profession if i was to be a mesmer
1. Same here. I fell in love with Mesmer's way before I even joined the BWE in March. Just to see their skills/spells/whatever made me drool. IMO a Mesmer needs (just a bit) more planning/strategy then the other classes. Since Mesmers are the counter-class, you should know (if possible) what you are going to be countering.

2. I chose Elementalist for my first profession, because of the huge energy pool. I chose Mesmer for my second profession, because I like to be one



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


Kansas City Hotsteppers [KCHS]

Originally Posted by Luke Fatality
Well I was thinking either necro but can you still resurrect dead minions if its a second profession
You're going to have to... hm, reword that, yes. Seeing as I can't understand what you're trying to get at, and I highly doubt anyone else can. Not trying to rile you, but if you want people to help you, you'd best post in something resembling English. I love you, English.

Originally Posted by Luke Fatality
btw how would a ranger go with this
Go with what? What do you want to do? You haven't told us what you want to do as a Mesmer, that'd be a good place to start.

Luke Fatality

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005


thats what im asking I want to know what Overall is the best. I am new to this game. What I asked earlier is if a necro raise minions if its your second Profession



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Yes all skills are open the the 2nd profession, its just the primary attribute that is limited to your main class. a person who takes necromancer as a 2nd prof. will still be able to create minions.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


Kansas City Hotsteppers [KCHS]

Originally Posted by Luke Fatality
thats what im asking I want to know what Overall is the best. I am new to this game.
Heh, the skills are fairly nicely balanced, so it's hard to say what's "best". Really, since you don't make any permanent choices in Guild Wars, your best bet is just to pick a Primary/Secondary combination you like the sound of, and try out all the skills you think sound nice. The game slowly adds skills to your repertoire, starting with the basics. So you'll be able to just saunter through the game learning things for yourself. Just alter your character depending on what you like, and customise your own build depending on what you think is fun and effective. It's part of the fun. Even more fun than dying your sword pink.


Originally Posted by Luke Fatality
What I asked earlier if that can a necro raise minions if its your second Profession
Yep, the Necromancer's summoning skills are available to anyone who's primary/secondary Necromancer, and the level and rate at which the minions decay (they slowly die, although you can use your Necromancer sacrificial skills to heal them) is determined by your Death Magic level. Death Magic is available to anyone with primary or secondary Necromancer. Just remember that you need a dead body to summon a Bone Minion, and that when Bone Minions die you can't summon another minion from them.

Luke Fatality

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005


currently I am thinking that a mesmer/ranger might be better since I do stuff so they cant use spells to get me and slow them down and then I could shoot them before they can get to me. Does this sound stupid or do you guys think it will work ?



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by Luke Fatality
currently I am thinking that a mesmer/ranger might be better since I do stuff so they cant use spells to get me and slow them down and then I could shoot them before they can get to me. Does this sound stupid or do you guys think it will work ?

Well, that's a very theoretical hypothesis.. unless you actually provide some skills and explain how exactly you're going to do this, all that we might be able to do is smile and nod..

"I do stuff so they cant use spells to get me" is.. well, beyond vague.. wouldn't you agree? What kind of "stuff" do you do? Do you run out of range? Stay out of range? Do you shut them down with energy denial using mesmer skills, or do you use disruption? And who are "they?" Are you targeting the warriors, the nukers, the healers (who are the ones you should be focusing on, btw), or even other rangers? As for "shooting them before they can get to me," what exactly do you mean by "shoot?" Do you mean the automatic bow attack by pressing space (which won't do that much damage), an actual ranger attack (which would mean that you would need to invest in both expertise and marksmanship to be effective), or do you mean something else entirely?

Of course, you also have to factor in energy management, as ranger skills use energy, the attributes that you will need to put in each attribute line, which consequently affects your damage power and/or spell efficiency.. as well as which skills and spells you're going to bring. Remember, you only get to bring eight.

There's quite a bit to think about.. and well.. extremely general questions like those don't really help unless you have some idea of what you want.

I would suggest reading the new players center on the main website first.. and then a few detailed builds articles for an idea.. make sure to find one with a close, in-depth analysis of the skills used for that build.