It was right in front of the last boss, where a large mob just waits to be rushed, which usually -proven again in this case- results in a mass death.
Instead of giving up, since the rez signet was already used, he kept on pulling the mobs one after the other back to the NPC warriors, so that he was able to kill them slowly, but steadily.
During one of the pulls, you couldn't even see his health bar anymore, but a well timed healing signet and managing to reach the NPCs in time resulted in a successfull, yet most amazing pull I've seen since playing the game.
When finally the path to the boss had cleared, none of us expected a pull of the boss and the level 18 horseman to be working, but we got proved wrong and he managed to finish the mission alone, while the rest of the team cheered him on over the team channel.
None of us dead players expected this to work, but there he is, soloing our team mission
That was the best mission run I've experienced so far, thanks to a warrior/necromancer named Daroth Lightblade! ("Run, Forrest, run!")