Please Help Me !!!!!!!!
Bought Pre Order, installed, confirmed, now what ??, Do I need to wait till next Weekend event to create a Caracter?? Thanks to any 1 who can Help me !!!

Yes, you will have to wait for Aprils BWE to create your characters.
Only 2 weeks tho!
Only 2 weeks tho!
That is correct sir, kind of ..... you must wait until April 15th before you can do anything other than stare at the login screen.
- Iczer
- Iczer
In the meantime, you can read all of the FAQs on the main website (remember the BWE FAQ as well), read the articles in the new players center, etc..
There's a wealth of information out there, and well, it's right before you if you choose to look.
There's a wealth of information out there, and well, it's right before you if you choose to look.

Originally Posted by iczer
That is correct sir, kind of ..... you must wait until April 15th before you can do anything other than stare at the login screen.
- Iczer |
Ren Falconhand
If you stare long enough you go into a trance and it is kind of like playing ... oops
that only works for me. Ha HA
