OK, first I was using Healing Prayers, AND Smiting Prayers, so I was using a Healing Ankh with +12 energy that required 9 healing prayers, but now, I switched from healing prayers to strength, and have been trying to find some sort of off hand item with +energy that requirse smiting. BUT everything i have seen seems to say that this doesnt exist?!?! That would really suck cause the extra energy is extremely useful to me for the high cost of my skills. I had 39 energy with gladiators armor and the ankh. If there isnt this item, whats the best i could get?
I have:
Smiting: 12
Swordsmanship: 12
Strength: 9
Offhand +Energy Item that requirse Smiting Prayers?? Help
Nobody knows?
Wow, now that I think about it they are pretty rare.
I have never seen one from collector as a smite monk. So now i am using a healing ankh 8energy +1 healing 30hp, and one smite rod with 20% recharge.
I am planning to switch to that collector staff when i found a +4-5 energy head.
I am planning to switch to that collector staff when i found a +4-5 energy head.
I'm using a collector staff with the +10 energy, +20% to smite recharge & +20% smite casting speed. Added a staff wrapping and head on it and it's pretty uber.
I ws using a rod and divine signet which was +3 and +12 energy combined - but the gains I make on the staff in speed offset the +5 energy I loose...
I ws using a rod and divine signet which was +3 and +12 energy combined - but the gains I make on the staff in speed offset the +5 energy I loose...
I am on the oppsite end of this energy planning thing.
I picked the +10 vs physical attack armors, so right now I have only 36 energy using a +8 energy ankh. I need to figure out where to get the additional 4 energy. I am smite spec, so most likely I have to live with a insightful collector smite staff of fortitude.

I picked the +10 vs physical attack armors, so right now I have only 36 energy using a +8 energy ankh. I need to figure out where to get the additional 4 energy. I am smite spec, so most likely I have to live with a insightful collector smite staff of fortitude.