how much like diablo2??


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

I dunno if this is asked a lot, but how much like Diablo 2 is this game?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005


both games have hit points and mana

other than that they're different



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Take Diablo II, update the graphics, move the chat rooms in-game, multiply the skills you can learn by a factor of five, actually balance the game and remove the ridiculous items, and generally make the game much, much larger (more quests, bigger areas, more missions), and you'd turn Diablo II into something similar to GW. Except not as good, as I've failed to list a whole host of other improvements (too many to list).

I think it's fair to say, though, they've got a lot in common. They're both essentially action RPGs. I tend to think of GW as the bastard love-child of Diablo II and Magic: the Gathering...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

So, why should i stop playing WoW for this game? Wont there be hacks like in diablo1?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


they are preventing hacks by not actually having the game on your computer, all the content is streamed to you through the network while you play... another reason is cause WoW = $180 per year



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Doom Brigade

Originally Posted by meatman
So, why should i stop playing WoW for this game? Wont there be hacks like in diablo1?

From all the info. that was kindly provided, where do you get that assumption?



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Originally Posted by meatman
So, why should i stop playing WoW for this game?
You shouldn't. Nor should you stop playing Half-Life 2, Microsoft Flight Simulator, or any other games you enjoy. You should play this game because you enjoy playing it. What other games you choose to play or not is irrelevant.

Wont there be hacks like in diablo1?
There are few games indeed that will be harder to maintain good hacks on. The streaming technology means you're trying to aim for a moving target. This game doesn't have "patches" to fix things, it changes every day. They're pretty close to publishing the 10,000th version of the game, and it's still in beta!

Diablo was far more susceptible to hacks than GW will be. For that matter, WoW is far more susceptible to hacks than GW will be...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

What about character models? The video I just watched, everybody looked the same (blue capes). I'd like to look different from someone else.

Canis Lupus

Canis Lupus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Imperial Militia


your character is made the way you want him/her to look like. if everyone was wearing a blue cape, then it was a certian guild or just a group of players that person was playing with (that was taking the video). as far a body build...... they are all the same for each class i.e. all warriors body's look the same, all necro's body's look the same, ect., ect. the change is the facial features, skin, size, hair and the like that you make to suit you.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005


Originally Posted by meatman
What about character models? The video I just watched, everybody looked the same (blue capes). I'd like to look different from someone else.
They were obviously on the blue team.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


With a substantial number of the developers being ex diablo 2 and battlenet devs you could think of this game as Diablo 3 really.
Of course, just like Diablo 2 was so much better than Diablo, Guild Wars is miles away from Diablo 2.



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by spiritofcat
With a substantial number of the developers being ex diablo 2 and battlenet devs you could think of this game as Diablo 3 really.
Of course, just like Diablo 2 was so much better than Diablo, Guild Wars is miles away from Diablo 2.
Why must Guild Wars be compared to a Diablo 3, instead of just being Guild Wars, standing by itself? Again, despite the fact that ArenaNet boasts many of the same developers that made Blizzard what it is today, Guild Wars unfurls a system that brings a new standard of gaming, instead of rather riding on the tailwinds of famous past games such as the Diablo series.

And by a "new standard," I mean the dedication to reduce grind, instead of promoting it as the primary form of MMO gaming existence, etc.

Let's see Guild Wars on its own merit. Like Dreamsmith said, you can play WoW, EQ, etc, to your heart's content, and still play GW. They are two very different types of games, with two very different aims in what they want to deliver to their audience. To me, terming it "Diablo 3" is not only a step backwards, but would also be a slight disparagement of what the devs are trying to accomplish with GW. They're trying to do something new and staggering in this industry.. not merely picking up the scattered fame trails of old gaming giants from the past by actually being a semi-look alike clone with better graphics. Nicknaming it "Diablo 3" relegates it back to that status, instead of giving it its own place at the forefront. And indeed, if you are looking for a Diablo 3, you'll be severely disappointed. This game will not be for you.

My same old argument also lies here.

Rip off those old preconceptions, and as I've said before, stop thinking of what you're *used* to in a game, but rather what you want. And, if Guild Wars happens to be what you want, then like many of us, you'll be very very happy, as it's definitely the only one of its kind.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

I've said it once and I'll say it again. It's amazing what kind of rumors a game with no monthly fee can generate.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


Originally Posted by Aria
Rant about why Guild Wars shouldn't be compared to Diablo 2 or thought of as like Diablo 3 in any way
Yes, I understand what you're saying. But it's always so much easier to explain things to people in terms they are familiar with than to try to educate them about something entirely new.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


Originally Posted by NiteX
They were obviously on the blue team.
Exactly. I am glad somebody pointed this out... I saw all these guys, they were red, but I was blue, how do I become red?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

No Idea

They both only have combat as a main source of entertainment.

i Q

i Q

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by meatman
I dunno if this is asked a lot, but how much like Diablo 2 is this game?

Let's just put it this way it is another ground breaking MMORPG by the creators of BattleNet and D1 and D2.... Nuff said?! Well if it is not it has made me a die hard diablo2 fan not even play anymore. You get good trade and random drops that can actually be good. Graphics are 1000x better. No use of pots in PvP cuz monks do the healing. 8 vs 8 and 4 vs 4 @.@. The list goes on and on.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

San Francisco, CA Custom Title: Ninja Filmmaker

Agony Guild [Agny]


Originally Posted by spiritofcat
But it's always so much easier to explain things to people in terms they are familiar with than to try to educate them about something entirely new.
That, spiritofcat, is pure and utter disinformation on your part. Guild Wars is anything BUT Diablo III would be. Spreading such complete bunk is a disservice to those you're "explaining" the game to. You might as well save your breath and keystrokes.

Napster: "Hello, sir, and welcome to the new and improved Napster!"
Consumer: "Okay, what's changed?"
Napster: "Well, it's no longer free, you're limited in all-around selection, and we get to watch your every action using the software...but other than that it's the same!"
Consumer: "So it's nothing like the rebel software it once was and has become a corporate RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO. I see."

Granted, this is more related to P2P issues and not gaming, but it does address the concept I'm after: that which is similar is not identical. I'm sure you can think of other analogies if you're willing to open your mind to the fact that you're insulting the game by not treating it like the original MMO title it is.

EDIT: It's been brought to my attention you've not even played the game and yet you're making such a grandiose and erroneous statement about it?
-- Scaper-X



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


Originally Posted by Scaper-X
That, spiritofcat, is pure and utter disinformation on your part. Guild Wars is anything BUT Diablo III would be. Spreading such complete bunk is a disservice to those you're "explaining" the game to. You might as well save your breath and keystrokes.

Napster: "Hello, sir, and welcome to the new and improved Napster!"
Consumer: "Okay, what's changed?"
Napster: "Well, it's no longer free, you're limited in all-around selection, and we get to watch your every action using the software...but other than that it's the same!"
Consumer: "So it's nothing like the rebel software it once was and has become a corporate RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO. I see."

Granted, this is more related to P2P issues and not gaming, but it does address the concept I'm after: that which is similar is not identical. I'm sure you can think of other analogies if you're willing to open your mind to the fact that you're insulting the game by not treating it like the original MMO title it is.

EDIT: It's been brought to my attention you've not even played the game and yet you're making such a grandiose and erroneous statement about it?
-- Scaper-X
Okay, I take you point.
You're wrong though, I have played it, just not recently.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Santa Rosa, CA

Confusion in The Ranks[tArD]


well one things for sure guildwars i alot alot alot lot lot lot forever better than d2 no matter how u compare it

-well unless ur a blood fanatic



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Aria
And indeed, if you are looking for a Diablo 3, you'll be severely disappointed. This game will not be for you.
I'm looking for a Diablo 3, and Guild War is just the game for me. A "Diablo 3" that didn't set new standards for action RPG, in just about the same way Guild Wars does, would be a huge disapointment compared to the predecessors.

I hope Guild Wars will become the reference for action RPG's in the years to come, the same way Diablo has been the reference for the years past.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

You can't compare it to Diablo 3 since there's no "Diablo" in it? Duh??



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Calgary, AB

I never played Diablo2 until I played GW Feb Beta, and read a magazine article stating that this game was Very Diabloesque... I then thought, "Maybe I'll play this Diablo2 until next beta, since they apparently have so much in common"
I found that other than being able to play a necro or warrior, GuildWars is absolutely different than Diablo2...there is nothing even close to the same. I'm thinking they said this to pay some sort of homage to the fact that it's built by Diablo people. Graphically (sprites vs 3d renders), gameplay (mouse clicky with unalterable 3rd person view vs fully dynamic camera control and full keyboard use for total character/camera control)....
I guess they're both PC games..thats pretty well a commonality...I have also uninstalled Diablo 2 and played some NWN instead...and will do so until GW is released



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005

Warrior Nation


One of the main differences is that you can play Guild Wars for an extended period of time and still be having tons of fun while playing Diablo 2 for longer than a week every 6 months causes you to put multiple bullets into your skull (it's a scientific fact!)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Vasburg Armoury


Guildwars might not be just a VERY GOOD GAME, but it will set a trend, a REVOLUTION of Online RPGs without Monthly Fee

And BTW it will take the WoW! out of the magazines soon