Warning for Best Buy DE Pre-Orders

Chev of Hardass

Chev of Hardass

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Under a rock



Best buy "does not sell" the pre-order for the Delux Edition in store. I have a pre-order and was not required to specify when I bought it. I called them at the advice of a friend and they do not honor the preorder towards the Delux Edition.

This means one of two things.

The store empoloyees are uninformed and that is the fault of their manages.

Those of us that preordered this game wanting the Delux Edition will be bringing the game back to pre-order it somewhere that does value their customers. They said that there will be a full refund for the game.

Pissed, yes I am, at Best-Buy for being so much closer than any other game headquarters. Oh and the dumb kid who kept saying "as far as I know". Did he really think that I would accept maybe as an answer when it comes to this game.


Nichos Katran

Nichos Katran

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Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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Chev, call back, and ask to speak with a manager. Indicate your problem, and how you were just told GW is releasing a deluxe edition.

I pre-ordered at EB, went back about a month ago inquiring about the DE, and they switched my order over from the normal version to the deluxe. Now instead of paying off $30 more I have to pay off $60 more

Chev of Hardass

Chev of Hardass

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Under a rock



Yes, but unfortunately.
The kid spoke to someone while I sat on hold. The story is that the pre-order is different between the regular and delux. If this is a problem with the knowledge level at the store, there is a communication problem at this store, not just some dumb jerk answering phones.

Or, he just didn't care and put me on hold while he smoked a cigarette and then gave me the same bullsh*t line.

I wonder if anyone at Best Buy or A.Net cares that Best Buy is pushing away the customer base? Oh I bet A.Net doesn't care I will still buy the game, even if I have to drive to Kansas to get it.

I will probably keep the preorder till the next beta weekend and then raise some real hell. I don't want to jeapardise the BWE after all. If all else fails I will go to the next town and get what I want from someone else.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Chev of Hardass
I will probably keep the preorder till the next beta weekend and then raise some real hell. I don't want to jeapardise the BWE after all. If all else fails I will go to the next town and get what I want from someone else.
next town?

i must have 50 places within a 10 mile trip from here (probably more)


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


Hmm... I will be calling CompUSA then, since this sounds bad.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005


Charter Vanguard


Strange indeed. As soon as I discovered I wanted that fancy glow on my character, I called EB games and asked if I could move my preorder cash downpayment to a deluxe and they said no problem. It was almost a given in their case. I find it odd that some company would jack you around like that!

Ranis Harlequin

Ranis Harlequin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Vancouver, Canada

I preordered at EB Games (in canada) before the DE was anounced, and yet the people there still new about it and I was able to order it. I did have to specify which one to order, but thats only to know which copy they will be ordering. If you have to change your order, I'm sure it's still far enough away from the date that it won't be a problem. As someone posted somewhere else, it's hard to believe a company would turn away the change to get more money...

If I were you I would either call back Best Buy and speak to someone else (they may have games, but they aren't a gaming store like EB etc. so they don't know all there is to know...) OR you could just get it from somewhere else (try online too, as they aim to have it delivered to it's destination on the release date, they don't start to ship it on the release date, depending on the company you order from). And this raises another question: can you cancel your pre-order, or at most can you only 'upgrade' to something like the DE?

Deathta Yu

Elite Guru

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on a Hurricane ravaged sand bar south of Ga.

Just finished ordering Collectors Edition from EB Games. Comes with a Pre Order Package (BOW) . They said they will start shipping on the 26th so added $10 for next day air. Should be here on the 27th. And they will give me $10 off when I call a 1-800 number posted on site. Told them I bought Pre Order @ CompUSA and would they except that recipt. Yes. Have not figured out how to use both preorders (Hammer from Comp and Bow from EB)sence I could use preorder on the 27th or in BWE if IT gets here first. Their not to clear on that one.

Lazek Phoenix

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by Deathta Yu
Just finished ordering Collectors Edition from EB Games. Comes with a Pre Order Package (BOW) . They said they will start shipping on the 26th so added $10 for next day air. Should be here on the 27th. And they will give me $10 off when I call a 1-800 number posted on site. Told them I bought Pre Order @ CompUSA and would they except that recipt. Yes. Have not figured out how to use both preorders (Hammer from Comp and Bow from EB)sence I could use preorder on the 27th or in BWE if IT gets here first. Their not to clear on that one.
Just to let you know the pre-order weapon from CompUSA is not a hammer it is a Bone Idol. Oh and you can't get two pre-order items you can only get the item from the pre-order pack that you used to play in the Betas. So if you already used the compusa pre-order pack you are geting the bone idol unless you start a new account with the EB games pre-order.

Ren Falconhand

Ren Falconhand

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I tryed the same thing Yesterday I was told there was no CE Pre-order for Best Buy but I think the guy was just clueless I had to show him what the GW box looked like for CHRI$T SAKE!!! From now now I am going to EB!! I wanted the Bow anyway. After the BWE I will just BUY the EB pre-order CE and swich my account. Screw Best Buy!! Only I do not want to mess up the BWE for me.




Join Date: Feb 2005

For once, EB Games actually seems to know what they're talking about. I went and upgraded my preorder to the CE and they did it no problem. I never go to Best Buy anymore for games, EB is my store of choice now.

Midnight Scorpion

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005



Howdy, I pre-ordered from Best Buy. How do I claim my retail copy, do I just go there and flash a reciept or something? Thanks

Ren Falconhand

Ren Falconhand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Passed out on my Keyboard from lack of sleep from playing GW too much

The Harpers


I think you just take the reciept I am going to take my whole-box just to be save.


Lansing Kai Don


Join Date: Mar 2005


Now we all know the material of people that work at Best Buy. Where EB is a smaller store devoted to gaming ( so their staff is knowledgeable on the subject), Best Buy is a retail store and gets any jack of the trade to work there. What I would suggest, since I preordered a copy for my friend's b-day there and we didn't have a problem. So here it goes, don't let them talk first or squirm out of answering your question. Tell them this:

Hello, I preordered a game called Guild Wars, now that Guild Wars has come out with a Collector's Edition I would like to have my money transferred to that when you have the ability. I do not want another copy of Guild Wars (our guy kept thinking we wanted to refund our preorder and get another, i.e. have two preorder keys), simply want to use my exising preorder till the game's release where I will purchase the collector's edition instead of the normal version.

Our guy told us they might have to refund the preorder amount then put that money back onto the collector's edition when it comes to getting the copy (he wasn't aware on how the register would handle it).

Lansing Kai Don

P.S. I hate Best Buy, and CompUSA, overcharging lack wits of people. But, my friend wanted the shield, don't know why but he did. I personally got the bow too

Ren Falconhand

Ren Falconhand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Passed out on my Keyboard from lack of sleep from playing GW too much

The Harpers


My guy kept thinking I wanted to return the pre-order too. He said " I don't think anybody has ever tried to return a pre-order before and said that is it has been longer than 30 days (which it has it got it for Feb's BWE) That he did not think they would let me return it." I will try your Idea and hope it works. As I only need one key not two and do not want to wast my $10.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

San Jose, CA, USA

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Having past experience with picking up a pre-order from BestBuy(the Sims2 for my daughter), this is how it works(at least at the store I go to). Bring your receipt and get in the customer service line, they will have copies of the game behind the counter for those who have pre-ordered, do no take one off of the shelf. Show them the receipt, they'll give you a copy and send you to the register. Pay the balance and away you go.

Unfortunately, were I live BestBuy is cheaper than both CompUSA and EBGames, though I did pre-order from EB for the bow. Of course being in the heart of Silicon Valley I'm sure we don't have clueless employees at our BB's or any of the computer stores(OK, there will still be the occassional clueless individual, but by and large the kaliber of employee will at least have half a brain about computers, etc.)


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


I hate Best buy, compusa, but eb games had no pre-order slips when I was there. ANd I needed the slip for the next day's weekend, so went to compusa, otherwise Eb games= way better.

Did someone here say that CompUSA said they would allow you to get the DE with the slip?

i Q

i Q

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

I hate Best Buy~!~! I got my preorder from them when they were first released. I had trouble with them about a month ago with a video card I bought from them and they wouldn't return it..... I'm going to EB games tomorrow~!~!