Does the kind of damage matter?
Can we assume, creatures with professions share the same kind of armor as the hero professions? ie Elementalists tend to have better elemental protection. Warriors tend to have better physical protection...
What about undead? Are they more susceptible to some types of damage?
Are ice imps less susceptible to cold damage?
Are fire imps less susceptible to fire damage?
Are drakes less susceptible to lightning damage?
Different types of damage and PvE
good question...
Bump for great justice!
Bump for great justice!
Its all about armor types of different classes!
Each class has the coice between different armor types, most give bonus defense against special attack types.
Elemetarists armors can have bonus defense against Fire, Cold, Lightning... Damage
Necromanchers armors can have bonus defense against Piercing, Holy ... Damage
Dont know if theres another factor in the general damage calculation.
Each class has the coice between different armor types, most give bonus defense against special attack types.
Elemetarists armors can have bonus defense against Fire, Cold, Lightning... Damage
Necromanchers armors can have bonus defense against Piercing, Holy ... Damage
Dont know if theres another factor in the general damage calculation.