Does anyone know where the Charr boss 'Vatlaaw Doomtooth' is?
I need to know so I can obtain the elite skill Barrage... Thank you
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: May 2005
03 Jun 2005 at 11:23 - 2
If I remember right, that boss is pre-searing so he won't be much use to you. The boss named Markis in the iron mines of moladune has barrage though, and he uses it frequently.
Swarnt Brightstar
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Mongolia!... But sadly Florida
Rulers of Mythology <ROM>
03 Jun 2005 at 21:45 - 3
Thank you!
Um... What region are the iron mines of moladune?
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Apr 2005
03 Jun 2005 at 21:56 - 4
It is the 2nd mission in the post ascension Souther Shiverpeaks.
Swarnt Brightstar
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Mongolia!... But sadly Florida
Rulers of Mythology <ROM>
03 Jun 2005 at 23:01 - 5
Oh that stinks! I cant even ascend!
Well I suppose I'm doomed...
Hey where do you get Cripple {E}
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Apr 2005
03 Jun 2005 at 23:20 - 6
There's a whole elite skills compendium in the Community Works section of this forum, go search there.