Strategy Guide



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

New York City

Hi, ummm, I know that I will probably end up with the Prima official strategy guide, I was just wondering if there was any news on it? Is it worth getting, to know certain stuff others won't, or is it a waste of $20? I would like some responces about knowledge of thee guide, and whether you think it is worth it, not some stuff that says"do what you want" or "Its up to you." Just give me your opinion, thanks!!


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

considering we havent seen what is in it yet how could we tell?

having said that there is a package price available and their guides are usually good

DO WHAT YOU WANT (couldnt resist, sorry)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


Really, I think you'd be better off asking people how to do things in game or just asking around here if it's not in the other information hosted here.

William of Orange

William of Orange

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Thousand Tigers Apund Ur Head, The Consulate

Bah, Strategy Guides. Isn't it worth it more to try and run through the game yourself than to just follow in somebody elses footsteps?

The only Strategy Guide I have ever purchased was the one for the Nintendo 64 game Jet Force Gemini. And the only reason for that was because I had gotten to the point where I was supposed to collect the parts of the ship so that I could go fight Mizar on Asteroid, I had collected every piece...

...except for one. After hours upon hours of running through levels, rerunning through levels, and rererunning through levels, I still was unable to find every single Tribal that I needed to save in order to get that last Ship Part. I eventually became so frustrated that I sold the game, and didn't think about it until years later, since it is the only game I've never beaten, and is the only blemish on my gaming record.

So I went on eBay, found the game for $4, found the strategy guide for $4, and bought them both. I would have beaten it, except for the fact that it was around the same time that I first heard about Guild Wars, and the Jet Force Gemini will have to wait until I've satisfied my Guild Wars thirst before I start up again. Lets just hope that my hunger is not insatiable...

Soiled Egg Roll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ripon, Wisconsin



Well, seeing how the strategy guide for Starcraft was really helpful for online play(not really), I'm against buying strategy guides for online games that change via updates. Too many things change, thus making the guide not as helpful. I do like looking at the pictures though .

static deathbringer

static deathbringer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ft Lauderdale florida, its hot here :(

The Harpers


Originally Posted by Curlyfry
Hi, ummm, I know that I will probably end up with the Prima official strategy guide, I was just wondering if there was any news on it? Is it worth getting, to know certain stuff others won't, or is it a waste of $20? I would like some responces about knowledge of thee guide, and whether you think it is worth it, not some stuff that says"do what you want" or "Its up to you." Just give me your opinion, thanks!!
buying a strat guide is kinda useless as you can find relatively everything you need right here, plus whats the point of having a strat guide when it will be out dated in like 6 months when they release a new chapter anyways? a waste of good money IMO



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by static deathbringer
buying a strat guide is kinda useless as you can find relatively everything you need right here, plus whats the point of having a strat guide when it will be out dated in like 6 months when they release a new chapter anyways? a waste of good money IMO
Agreed. Besides, I will bet you anything that the guides, build reviews, articles, etc that you find on this site will be ten times more comprehensive than anything that the published guide manages to muster.

Just look up some of the discussions on Riverside. Pay attention those containing staggeringly huge posts, read them all, and you'll get more information than any one-sided guide can give you. Topics on these boards are also subject to intense discussion, and there's nothing like great counterarguments to flesh out a topic to its fullest extent.



Bokusatsu Tenshi

Join Date: Dec 2004

Bellevue, WA



Welp, i'm not someone who writes Guides (Well, at least not someone who writes them and receives any kind of compensation) but I would imagine that, for Guild Wars, the guide would focus mainly on the PvE aspect of the game. The missions and how to get through them, and where to find all the numerous (and sometimes elusive) quests. The reason I say this is because, that aspect of the game is less likely to be in a state of constant flux, such as PvP is. What that means is .. when it comes to PvP, you can tell someone the general concept of a character, and how a character could be played .. but once the game goes live, expect to see an ever changing cycle of strategies that are popular (thus making some other strategies ineffective, etc) and ones that are not.. because of this, general indications are not so useful. The best way to keep up in this regard is the fansites, and their communities. Amazingly enough, we don't charge either. But if you still feel like sending us 20 dollars, that's ok too. We could go out and buy a pizza and something to drink.

That being said, if I really like a game, i'll buy the strategy guide for it. Not because I need it, i'm pretty stubborn about doing things myself, it's just .. well, it's the same reason i'd rather buy a game in a store than to download it, it gives me something physical to have and flip through. Heck, I bought the FFVII guide just because I wanted the pictures in it. Life has gotten a little easier in that regard as of late (giving me a free giant Tales of Phantasia artbook when I bought the game, as an example) but again .. that's all a matter of personal preference.

Again.. no one really knows what will be in it at this point, this is just an educated guess. Take it for what it's worth.

static deathbringer

static deathbringer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ft Lauderdale florida, its hot here :(

The Harpers


Originally Posted by Spooky
Welp, i'm not someone who writes Guides (Well, at least not someone who writes them and receives any kind of compensation) but I would imagine that, for Guild Wars, the guide would focus mainly on the PvE aspect of the game. The missions and how to get through them, and where to find all the numerous (and sometimes elusive) quests. The reason I say this is because, that aspect of the game is less likely to be in a state of constant flux, such as PvP is. What that means is .. when it comes to PvP, you can tell someone the general concept of a character, and how a character could be played .. but once the game goes live, expect to see an ever changing cycle of strategies that are popular (thus making some other strategies ineffective, etc) and ones that are not.. because of this, general indications are not so useful. The best way to keep up in this regard is the fansites, and their communities. Amazingly enough, we don't charge either. But if you still feel like sending us 20 dollars, that's ok too. We could go out and buy a pizza and something to drink.

That being said, if I really like a game, i'll buy the strategy guide for it. Not because I need it, i'm pretty stubborn about doing things myself, it's just .. well, it's the same reason i'd rather buy a game in a store than to download it, it gives me something physical to have and flip through. Heck, I bought the FFVII guide just because I wanted the pictures in it. Life has gotten a little easier in that regard as of late (giving me a free giant Tales of Phantasia artbook when I bought the game, as an example) but again .. that's all a matter of personal preference.

Again.. no one really knows what will be in it at this point, this is just an educated guess. Take it for what it's worth.
trust me i understand what you are talking about with the FF7 guide, i bought it mainly fro the pic's too, but it was also a usefull guide, because the game never changed. if i went back tommorow and threw in ff7(yes i still have my origonal) i could also pull out my guide and everything in there would be the same as 4-5 years ago when i last played, this however and unfortunatewly is not the case in MMORPG's i made that mistake by buying everquest and asherons call strat guides, a month later they were both so out of date it was ridiculous, and even if this is not the case with guild wars as they will only do a massive update once or twice a year it still makes the guide useless, as in 6 months i couldve gone through the game enough to probably write my own indepth guide better than any prima guide could offer, besides in my expierience with prima, they write the worst guides ever, leaveing out key aspects of the game and many secrets that shouldve been included in an official prima guide



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Here's an idea.. why not save the $20, and just shell out $10 more to update to the collector's edition? Much more worth it, in my mind.. plus you get that artbook!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I'm actually a fan of what Brady Games did with its WoW strat guide. They let people who buy it download updates. This is especially useful if you shelled out extra to get their Binder version with all the pages already separated. You just download the update(and they match them to the other pages), print it out, and stick it in.

And in regards to having everything right here, that's true. But this game is going to attract people for the reason that you don't have to play constantly to keep up with it, and so many who have little time to play online games will be playing. They won't have time to search end over end for information they could have at their fingertips.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Aria
Here's an idea.. why not save the $20, and just shell out $10 more to update to the collector's edition? Much more worth it, in my mind.. plus you get that artbook!
i did get the collectors(first time ) and will also get the guide as well as part of a package deal

they have stats and after i have poked my nose everywhere i think i can it is fun to carefully look at where i have been to see if i saw everything.

if i missed something i can go back and see that also

like the art book it is something extra to look through