ID or not ID?
Does it make a difference if I ID a rare item before salvaging it? Do I have more chance of getting a rune/upgrade from an ID'd item then from an unID'd item?
Always Id your items! The rune is unlocked this way (if there is one in it). And the real value of the item is seen. A crappy drop un-id'ed may sell for 3g but when you ID it you may see the value go to 20g.
That didn't answer his question. He was asking if you can still get a rune (or upgrade, whatever) if you don't ID an item first, not whether or not he should ID at all.
Shmash Witdaclub
Originally Posted by Zilm
Always Id your items! The rune is unlocked this way (if there is one in it).
There are reasons for not IDing first. ex: Since I have 4 RP characters, I couldn't give a rat's patootie about "unlocking" anything. This being the case, if I salvage without IDing, I get a run that I know the profession and value of (thank you last patch ) which is still unIDed. These are very attractive to others who are trying to unlock runes for PvP chars as they are given a much better chance of unlocking the rune they want than if they have no idea what it could be.
salvage rate appears to be the same for id'd and unid'd so if you are not interested in unlocking runes it is prolly best to salvage first as you can sell for more if you dont need it.
Lek Stacy
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
Does it make a difference if I ID a rare item before salvaging it? Do I have more chance of getting a rune/upgrade from an ID'd item then from an unID'd item?
Doesn't make a difference if you ID or don't ID. Your chances of getting a rune are the same. As for an upgrade item, I think that still applies. I think I've salvaged items before that were not IDed and got upgrades. Can't remember at the moment. I will test tonight, if no one has confirmed.
Titus Deathbrynger
Are you guys talking about just IDing those which say Unidentified or all purple drops for example?