Indirect Massive Smiting Damage Build


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005



12 Energy Storage (+1 Headpiece, +1 Rune)
10 Healing
11 Smiting

Orison of Healing
Essence Bond
Signet of Judgement
Smite Hex
Balth's Aura
Zealot's Fire
Light of Dwyana (Or Your Rez of Choice)

Basic idea is to smite everything in to non-existence. I usually drop all of this on the warrior attacking a monk, but I sometimes will use retribution + aura on one of my monks if they're being raped by lots of warriors.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005


This has been done to death lately, but your build isn't even a good example of a zf smiter. First, essence bond no longer activates like it used to, meaning you need to bring balthazar's spirit as opposed to EB. Second, you don't have nearly as many skills activating ZF as you would want, and lastly, without at least 14 (preferably 16) in smiting, you won't match the damage output of a number of other classes. El/mo isn't the way to play it.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005


Alright, thanks for the tip. I've been trying it out lately and I think this idea MIGHT work, but it DOES need refining. Maybe I'll play Mez for inspiration magic or somthin'...whatever.